Walmart Hunting Clothes and Gear Tour, finding budget hunting clothes and gear
Come along on a tour of my local Walmart as I look for some hunting clothes and gear that you can find on a budget.
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The stuff is severely overpriced. Mostly made of polyester and spandex just like the stuff from Walmart. Also likely made in the same sweat shops in China. Look it up. You were sold on the marketing and the "system". Literally still layering just like before. Traditional bow hunting podcast has a video on why buy hunting clothes from Walmart. It has very valid points. After some research you will understand that you are swept up in the marketing and then try to justify way overspending on the same materials you get from Walmart. Example; KUIU 93% polyester 7% spandex hoodie is $80. Gilden brand 93% polyester 7% spandex hoodie $12. Paying for the fancy name.
Have worn those exact rubber boots for the past 2 seasons and use them often working outside on property as well zero complaints and I hunt in a saddle with zero problems
I don’t care what anybody says Walmart gear and guns put meat in the freezer, it’s plan and simple and works.
I still have my first lite and it’s lasted me years but I grew out of it had to size up I spend 400 bucks on it but needed something to get through this season as I can’t wear my first lite so I got the Walmart waterproof jacket and pants scentlock I used to by them all the time and now I’m back at it again I have no complaints they are just as good as the cebelas or bass pro clothes durable and comfortable
You’ve definitely a new sub. Great stuff 👍🏾
I hunt bear so Camo isn’t a huge priority for me. Good merino base layer and some kuiu pants will last a lifetime
When does Walmart start putting out hunting gear?
Ya don’t see stuff like that at a Walmart near me and I been to 5 of them
none of this will keep you warm under 40 degrees
All of my base layer and early season stuff is from Walmart/Academy, my only name brand stuff is my Game Gaurd late season stuff that I got second hand.
Thanks for this.
Probably going to ship-to-store a lot of this.
I buy u lot of my hunting clothes at Walmart and I’ve never had problems with it
Walmart was the only place that sold the brush camo pattern that was perfect for my area, unfortunately it’s discontinued now but man Walmart has never let me down for hunting
I love hunting. But it’s dream 😢
What state is this?
Hell I hunt in blue Jean’s and a old carhart do just fine.
I buy most of my hunting clothes from Walmart honestly. For the prices I have zero complaints! I’ve killed plenty of deer just as much as dudes wearing Sitka or First Lite stuff. Now firearms I normally don’t buy there, mostly because my buddy owns a gun shop. I bought my son a bow there 2 seasons ago, and he’s still using it. He’s killed 4 deer, 2 turkey, and counting with it. And it’s a Bear which is what I shoot.
Good old St Robert Walmart lol. Kind of strange to see my local store on YouTube 😅
A Walmart that’s clean & stocked?
This vid must be staged…😅
Hi sar one price
Blue Collar Outdoors. It’s good to see people such as yourself not being a brand fanboy. When i was in my late teens and early twenties, Walmart was the all I can afford. Killed plenty of critters and big game using just that. Now that I’m older and making more money I did buy Sitka and Kuiu gear for specific hunts. But i still fall back to Walmart wrangler pants for most of my hunts, they are cheap, comfortable and get the job done. Happy hunting brother!
Realtree under armor type long sleeve fit us fat asses real nice 10/10 would buy again
True story, Walmart is where I discovered Realtree Edge & fell in love with it.
Since then, I’ve bought 90% of my stuff there & it’s been great. The few things I bought elsewhere didn’t fit or fell apart.
Wally Word 4 Huntin Gear
I would love to see a video using products bought from places like wish or temu ect for hunting say for bow hunting and seeing how successful they can be used if possible as a lot of times the products can be gotten cheaper than in the stores. And I am wondering how good they are compared to what is gotten from actual sporting goods stores such as cabelas or others.
I have that 390 crossbow and it’s actually pretty good
Where this at
I buy budget camo and buy good marino wool base. I don’t buy super expensive boots either. At some point they all leak.
0:12 Here in Canada we call them toques
Garden center for your saw and clippers to clear a shooting lane
Enjoyed the video. I just got through setting myself up with Walmart Realtree Edge clothing. With out a doubt that is the way to go. Liked and subscribed! Thanks!
I’ve watched a bunch and I’m switching to just a green&brown flannel and brown pants
Do you have any experience with the mossy oak blaze orange hunting parka? Im considering purchase but can’t find any reviews.
This was so comforting to watch! Thank you.
Any1 here realize how much the prices went up on everything in 2 years dang
I wouldent wear cotton, only wool. The cotton gets damp, stays damp forever, you lose all potential insulation value from wet cotton, will develope foot blisters and thighs/ass chaffing, and withing 20 minutes you will begin to smell like a wet fart to every deer within 100 yards of you. I would wear one layer of marino wool on your skin and stack layers of regular wool on top of that and cover that with a thin Gortex outer layer. If you get hot/cold remove/add layers. Also remove/cover anything glossy such as your skin, eyes, teeth, watchs, buckles, even certain clothes have a kind of plastic reflective sheen etc etc. Dont use any black/white colors because they dont exist in nature. Also deer are hardwired to "see" green and browns and that camo is useless and you would be better served with simply spray painting plain clothes with random streaks of earth colors like greys and tan colors. Anything that will break up your bodys profile. If you cover your face with a veil, sit under a tree, and stay still, the majority of people will never see you. Atleast, until you move and break the optical illusion and then its over and its time to explain why you were in a tree stand at the Park.
I have a camo jeans (wranglers )from Walmart for 20years and I do all my hunting in them still look almost new. Strongest pants I’ve ever owned great vid wished my Walmarts had as much as yours
I use to buy Walmart hunting clothing. Found out it doesn’t keep me warm but keep me cold. No bueno
I only use Sitka!!!!!
I have a pair of waterproof mittens with a trigger finger but they dont have them anymore and mine are getting wore bad
Greetings and Salutations
This coyote season I got to get my hunting clothes on a budget.
I will have $11.00 a 45 calorie meal while at camp
Great upload Thanks 😊
i like hunting jaket
Your videos are well done. I hunt on a budget and you are right on with Walmart. Thanks.
Unfortunately none of the Walmarts around me sell any hunting gear anymore
Trying to get back into hunting and my kids and this just solidified it. We’re going to Walmart! Looks like great stuff
I wear the go to outfit of Coastal British Columbia deer hunters, Carhartt pants and a Stanfield’s wool henley. The same thing I wear for work, as do many others
They don’t have much of anything here in central NJ, I usually have to make my way up to PA for a good hunting Walmart.
My Walmart doesn’t have any of that hunting clothes. 😢
This Wal-Mart has more hunting gear than my local Academy outdoors store. 🫤
Thier sizing SUCKS