Top NEW Cell Cameras for 2024 – Full Season Review

Top NEW Cell Cameras for 2024 – Full Season Review

This is a full review of some of the top new cellular trail cameras in 2023. I was able to test these cell cams all last fall and share pictures and videos to help you decide, which one is the best for you. The three cameras I reviewed were the Spypoint Flex, Tactacam Reveal X Pro, and the Moultrie Edge. Each of the three cameras had pros and cons, and I share my honest thoughts with you. Cellular trail cameras can be an awesome tool for hunting if used properly.

Reveal X Pro:




Camo (SAVE 20% with code NSO20)
Climbing Sticks:
Bow Hoist:
Stick/Platform Carabiners:
Binos –
Spotting Scope –

Best tent for long hunting trips:
Portable Jumper Pack

Main Camera:
Mirrorless Cam:
Favorite Lens:
Camera Arm –
Fluid Head –
Shotgun Mic –
360 Cam:
Action Cam –

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  1. How is cuddeback not on any of these reviews. Yea image quality struggles but your bang for your buck is incredible.

  2. Still trash customer service is even worst. All of the sudden during hunting season and non of my cameras work they are SPYPOINT working . 1 of them is 2 weeks old the flex s out of control. I think they manufacture problems during hunting season to make you buy more product.. unbelievable.. take 2 hours to get a customer service rep on the phone. Needless to say this is why I’m looking at the Video..

  3. In the big scheme of things all that matters is seeing a shooter on camera. It doesn’t have to be crystal clear. 22:13

  4. For security usage, what one has high detail resolution from a distance to make out license plates and faces? It’s so hard to find any can from trail cams to security cams that take pics worth a crap for incrimination to identify criminals which is what I’m here searching to find one that’s valuable to use for this type of purpose to stop crime happening at our mailboxes.

  5. Please, for heaven’s sake, don’t buy a Moultrie. I bought a pair of the Moultrie Edge 2’s for $150, bought the annual subscription for 1 camera for $275/year, set the camera up on the app in my house, and put it on a trail 300 feet from my house. It didn’t take a single picture, didn’t send any notifications, wouldn’t respond to app setting changes until next "check in" time but never checked in. Here’s the kicker…after spending $425, Moultrie has a policy of NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS !!! WTF?? NO DOWN GRADES IF YOU CHOOSE THE MOST EXPENSIVE PLAN!! OMG! Never buying another Moultrie product in my life.🤬

  6. You should have included WISE EYE far better an customer service is unreal an you don’t pay extra for HD picture and HD video

  7. I have 11 Spypoint cameras, and they have always supported their product for me. When I have an issue I chat with them on their website and the problem is handled every time. The warranty is fantastic.

  8. I’m pretty suprised by the positive Spypoint reviews. I bought 3-4 micro links just to try them out a few years ago and they were the worst cameras I’ve ever used. Looks like they have came a long way with the flex. Might have to pick up a few.

  9. The 2 most important features in my opinion is knowing if a camera is low glow or no glow flash (840 nm vs 940nm) bc deer can see IR light. Also I’m waiting for a company to stamp every pic with the wind direction. That would be very valuable information to have attached to every pic. I don’t really care about moon phase or temperature

  10. Your base customer’s are American I’m canadian and I use the absolute best cold weather camera on the market, it’s a reconeco kunuk that takes 12 batteries built for for cold weather conditions , further more it has a lifetime warranty no questions ask , make no mistake this isn’t no sissy camera it’s built canadian tough, so you’re video is 100% irrelevant to me.

  11. Spypoint also has their $99/yr Insider Club membership ($8.25/mo) and with that, you get $0 = 250 pics $5 = 1,000 pics, $8 = Unlimited. So for me, that’s a huge deal. I have some Flex-S now.. 36 MP and GPS, and on demand pics, and solar – and I can run all of them them for free with 250 pics each, all off-season year… Which really adds up with a dozen cameras in the field.

  12. We want to use a cell trail cam for our rural home property boundary security against a neighbor who is trespassing. To be clear, the Moultrie Edge will send video clips or still shots thumbnails to your phone for immediate notification and you can delete if a false positive (wind blowing vegetation for example) to save storage on our account but if you want to save a video clip, you can download it to your home computer at no cost to you for use as evidence? Thank you for clarifying.

  13. I’d love to see you do an updated review of the cameras that have been released since the inception of the original Flex. That had so many issues initially.

  14. Looking to upgrade from my covert which are just awful. On the tactacam if you purchase 4 cameras can you share one data plan with all 4? Do you need a separate plan for each camera?

  15. I have the spypoint flex and the tactacam x pro.
    The spy point definitely does better capturing videos for me over the tactacam.

  16. I’ve got boxes of conventional cameras such as Moultrie, Covert, Cuddieback and Reconx. The worst camera were Moultrie which never lasted and I had several models. The best were the Covert cameras. Now I’m using strictly Reveal X gen 2 and Reveal X Pro. Picture and video quality are incredible and I run solar panels on all of them. Having pics sent straight to your phone let’s you monitor the deer without having to go in and pull cards to see what’s happening in that area and disrupting the deer. I highly recommend them

  17. Great review. I haven’t seen someone go into such detail showing the different types of pics and videos. Thanks!

  18. Looking for a trail camera for my mom for Christmas. We are not using it for hunting, but she wants it setup at her horse barn which also has chickens in case a predator of some sort comes along which happens every once in a while and she wants to catch it on camera. The problem I think I’m running into is that during the day our dogs are constantly down there and she is constantly down there as well so I’m assuming it would be taking tons of pictures. Trying to find something simple that she can use and maybe look at the photos on her phone. Anything specific I should be looking at?

  19. Do this sent photos and videos quickly to your cell phone? Trying to catch someone who’s been vandalizing our feeders.

  20. About those picture and video transmittals packages, guess what. If it’s windy you’ll get pics and videos of swaying bushes and trees. Just what you wanted to waste your money on right?
    Also Tacticam says their cams need their cards or their recommended cards and they have to be full size cards and not the mini SDHC. Ask me how I know and with 4 cams you need two cards per cam. I pulled my Tacticams because I have 4 cams, 4 solar panels and 2 battery packs that go inside the cameras and they started shutting down because I was using ONN mini SDHC cards. Cheapest I can do the recommended cards is over $100 and the rep suggests I add an extra $20 for windy pictures using the HD transmittal nonsense?
    I plan on selling them or just throwing them away if I don’t get my price. As I told the rep regardless of them sending a picture I still have to go out and change the card to see what the videos show ( I had the cams set to video because it’s more info). He suggested the transmittal for the 4 cams however, during most of the season what you see are does and fawns. I’m hunting a 60 acre plot in the middle of farm country. Bucks show up on occasion but not that often until the rut/chase starts.
    I have about 11 other non cell cams on the property so for now that’s all I’ll be using.

  21. I have the tactacam gen 2.o and I just got the moultrie mobile edge and that edge is pretty nice. Love the vid!!!

  22. It would be nice of you to start by pointing out this concerns the US and possibly Canadian market specifically (still less than 5% of the global population). Not everybody can get this from your accent alone. Otherwise, a very useful overview, even if I’m interested in them for property control. And, btw, I would also mention that all three of those brands are North American and hence are likely to host their services (read: +-all of the stuff your camera sends) in there, instead of China, as some other well known Chinese brands do.

  23. Hello.
    There’s someone dumping garbage on a dirt private road we own. I’m looking for recommendations on which camera to buy.
    The location of the camera is liking going to be away from electricity and internet connection. It would be great to capture the plates of the car as they have to drive slow and in front of the camera.
    I was considering getting a game/trail camera with a subscription so I can have the pictures sent to me, but I doubt the clarity of the camera will capture the plates?
    Whatever camera works well with capturing plates, I’m going to buy another to use at my tree stand.
    Any recommendations are much appreciated.

  24. i was going to get the edge, but the card deal changed my mind. i have a spypoint and they are junk. i am going to check out the reveal more, but for now that is my pick. thanks for the reviews, you helped me a lot.

  25. Spypoint Flex are garbage. I’ve had 3 of them for about 9 months and they are practicably useless. They hardly ever sense movement, intermittent connection even with strong cell signal. Non stop card problems. Even when following their guidelines to the T, these cams don’t work well. Porley designed, the app is ok but the cams are undependable at best.

  26. Where I hunt there is NO cell service NOR WiFi so whats the point?
    Bluetooth would be handy, I could hike back to my cams, whip out my
    phone & offload all of the images on each cam, then, clear the card and
    go to the next cam. That would be helpful.


  27. Do not buy spypoint cameras when they stop working they continue to charge you and they make it impossible to cancel

  28. If you were going to buy say ten or so which would you go with? Just bought four acres raw land and I want to deter trespassers since I’m only out once a week at most for now, thank you!

  29. A warning about Spypoint Cameras: Between my brother and I, we have 12 Spypoint cameras. Only 4 of these are now working. Over the past year we have had nothing but trouble. We have stayed with Spypoint because that is a significant investment in cameras. The week before rut 8 of our 12 cameras broke down again. They have proven totally unreliable. With only a 2 year warranty and no customer loyalty you should seriously be cautioned before you buy one of their cameras. Just try to call into customer support and see what happens. We have had battery pack failures, lens failures, failures to transmit, failures to flash and the list goes on and one. We have collected our cameras from the field and brought them in to overhaul them as required only to have them fail within a month or so of being in the field. I am on hold as I type this review, I have been on hold for 2 hours and 11 minutes. The AI says that the hold time is less than 50 minutes. If you leave your phone number they will not call back. One of the biggest problems is that they seem to routinely change formatting without notification that they have done so. When they do this, your camera will stop to transmit photos. I could tolerate a lot of quirks, but the cameras have proven to be faulty and unreliable. It is tough to change once you own several cameras, but the unreliability of the cameras and even worse customer service should give you plenty of pause before you start using this brand. Like Remington rifles of the past, Spypoint were excellent cameras with decent customer service. Some new CEO or accountant must now own the company and is going to drain it dry with bad cheap products and bad customer support. Unfortunately, for me I will be looking for other camera brands and going elsewhere. I have to cut my loses to get a functional camera that is reliable and a company that provides something other than an AI chat and a phone that puts you on perpetual hold.

  30. Great video. Does any of these run off a 12v battery? I have a Spypoint and could run it all season from a 12v battery hookup.

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