Top 5 Accessories Every Home Defense Handgun Should Have

Top 5 Accessories Every Home Defense Handgun Should Have

Home Defense Handguns

I place a great deal of attention into the firearm I select to have on my nightstand since it is vital to me as a home defense weapon.

The handguns I select for home defense should, in my opinion, have a few specific features.

I’m not claiming that a firearm is ineffective for home defense if it lacks any of these features because having a gun is ultimately preferable than having none at all.

To improve your home protection, it would be incredibly helpful if you could add these top 5 items to your handgun.

However, as important as the gun is when it comes to home defense, it’s also about the training and ensuring you’re prepared.

That’s why I’m a USCCA member.

It’s an easy way to cover all my bases if I ever had to use my gun in self-defense.

I could find myself in a costly legal case to prove that me using my gun was justified.

The beautiful thing about a USCCA membership is that you don’t just get self-defense insurance; you also get access to their treasure trove of education and training programs.

So if you’re interested in learning more about USSCA AND getting a few special free bonuses, click this link!

Here is My Full USCCA Self Defense Insurance Review

Also, I am just launching my NEW Colion Noir Edition In-Ear Hearing Protection!

Once you wear these, you’ll immediately feel the difference with SUPERIOR comfort and enhanced situational awareness.

The comfort feels like custom-fit protection and is easily worn for hours without constantly falling out.

They feature 6x SOUND AMPLIFICATION, Fast Attack Time, & NRR 29 Rated

In-Ear & Over The Ear Hearing Protection For Shooting Sports

**** And the NEW Leather Path Hats

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  1. Just asking,
    I wonder if you have a long gun and a pistol both readily available in the event of a home invasion why would you not just pick up the rifle as first choice?

  2. Colion, love you and your legal advice, but stop selling tactical junk to home defenders. I’ve investigated shootings I my LEO past. Six(6) seconds from the bang of the door, to a body on the floor. You don’t have time to wake up, rub the sleep out of your eyes, get your gun, turn on the laser, red dot, flip up sights decide which gun to use. (Wait burglars, eerie meanie minie more, which gun).Learn to shoot up to 20 feet with no sights, becuz at that range or less at 3 in the morning, point and shoot is your initial self defense firearm. Love you tho bro. Wish I could have prosecuted people with you next to me as the DA. Would have been fun.

  3. Your hearing is going to be like 1000th down the list of things to worry about in a self defense encounter. It will literally be a non issue. Putting a suppressor on a home defense pistol is one of the most unnecessary things ever uttered by a human being.

  4. I’m a first time buyer and I need a great handgun that doesn’t jam and that can hold the attachments you’ve talked about I would love one with a surpresser??

  5. bro this video is not realistic by any means for anyone who isnt rich lol may have missed the mark with the video title.

  6. I would add the sixth, proper storage with quick access like a safe especially if you have others in your home. You also dont want someone breaking in when you are not home and taking it

  7. That double stack 1911 is an awesome pistol. I know they’re pricier but id love to have one. This doesn’t really matter but one characteristic to a true 1911 was it having a single stack mag. I thought once they came out with that platform with a double stack mag they had to call it a 2011 because it was now no longer a 1911?

  8. There’s a lot of comments about that red dot battery going out at the wrong time. Learn to point shoot the distance you expect to protect. You are inside a house, not on a 50 yard range. Also, change your battery every year (or 2). ✌

  9. It took me 3 years to finally save for my Glock and ammo and licenses. Now I need all these attachments 😂

  10. Sorry 😂 i live in illinois i cant have more than 15+1 and i cant buy a pistol with a threaded barrel or own a suppressor

  11. The multiple people reason can also be used to why you should buy a suppressor. If you shoot the first you won’t be able to hear the second or third. Your family is on the line do you really want to assume there is only one intruder?

  12. if i didnt lose my shit in a boating accident, i wouldnt really mess with too many accessories except for on range toys. alas, boating is risky gents.

  13. There’s no way you’re picking the prodogy over the stccato p you had in your handgun video, no way!!!

  14. For my people in California what do we think is the best work around for us only having 10 rounds, any good magazine iwb clip pouches good ?

  15. To a degree, I feel that large capacity magazines can ( can…not always) aid in breeding "lazy shooters" and false sense of security. That because there many gun owners whom do not practice their skills enough. Ask anyone in a brief fire fight how many rounds they spent, and I bet you they end up with a number less than half of what they actually sent down range. Large cap magazines can ( IMO ) lead to a "spray and pray" technique of defense shooting increasing the likelihood of collateral damage others in the home or a shopping mall. To a degree, all these fangled editions to a sidearm reminds me of all the fangled options available in cars these days which IMO makes for LAZY drivers…..In a day where cars have sooooo many safety features to HELP one drive a car we have more auto crashes today than any time in history. And yes we have more cars on the roads but do you really get a sense that all the options on cars these days are making ANY difference in this area? Identify your target, do your target threat assessment, breathe and with proper sight picture put two or three rounds into them. At 10’in my home, the likelihood of using my sights, a red dot or laser sight is 0-none. Because at 10 feet, it’s a "point & shoot" distance for center mass… When I was 16, I had a single shot top break 12guage for hunting. My older brother had an old Winchester 12 gauge pump with 6 round tube. On the last time we went hunting before he went into the miliary we were out for pheasant. We scared up 5 pheasant out of the brush all at once. He got one after 4-5 shots….I GOT 2 with 2 rounds fired from my single shot 12 gauge because I was proficient in both target acquisition and reloading for that follow up shot….I had to be. So I was.

  16. Unless you have a mansion i think a red dot is overkill for a nightstand gun. I think just light and suppressor is all you need

  17. Rail-mounted pistol lasers are only zeroed at a single distance, so I think home defense is probably the best application for them. You know your home, and shooting distances will probably be less than 10 yards. That means that as long as you’ve zeroed your laser, your shots will hit where the laser hits, give or take an inch or 2. If you’re aiming center mass that’s good enough. In close quarters indoor applications I’d argue that lasers are better than red dot optics. You don’t even necessarily need to aim down your sights if you have a laser. That can be extremely useful in low light situations, shooting from odd angles, or if you’re disoriented because you just woke up.

  18. I have both red dot and a laser on my guns. For home defense in awkward situations, a laser is by far the best to have on your gun period…

  19. Good list bruh but I gotta say the last thing I’m worried about is my hearing in a self defense situation, if it comes to that I’m just thankful to have lived through the situation

  20. "How many rounds do you think you’re going to fire in that kind of situation?"

    More than you expect. In VR shooting games, when I get jumped, I’ll fire 3 shots before I’ve realized I’m even in a gunfight, and that’s a relatively tame situation. It’s very easy to lose count of how many times you’ve pulled the trigger.

  21. 2:07 Your first accessory you said a light. I’m not using a light because a light gives away your location. There is other technologies that don’t reveal to a criminal your location. Night vision and thermal vision.

  22. Although a pistol isn’t my first go to home defense choice to begin with, (Beretta 1301 Tactical with Federal 8 pellet 00buck "Flitecontrol"), I do keep a bedside Glock. It may not be the most optimal, but it’s something.

    Gen5 G19 with a TLR-7, OEM night sights, and a 19x mag (19+1) Federal 147gr HST’s. I’m confident in its abilities to do it’s job if called upon. 💯🤷‍♂️

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