Are you looking for the best hunting knives of 2022? These are some of the coolest knives for hunting we found so far:
1. Gerber Downwind Drop Point
2. CRKT Homefront Hunter Knife
3. Uncle Henry 182UH Elk Hunter Knife
4. Benchmade The Meatcrafter
5. Gerber Exo-Mod Snap Together Hunting Knife Kit
6. CRKT Hunt’N Fisch Hunting Knife
7. Morakniv Companion Fixed Blade Outdoor Knife
8. Outdoor Edge Wild LITE Super Compact 6-Piece Hunting Knife Kit
9. Elk Ridge ER-052 Fixed Blade Knife
10. Gerber Randy Newberg Exchangeable Blade System Innovative Field Dressing Knife
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There are two features common to all knives — a handle and a blade. Beyond that, though, knives can get very specialized depending on their ultimate use. For example, so-called survival or camp knives typically feature large, stout blades meant to help get through common outdoor cutting tasks. “Everyday carry” or flipper knives are usually a bit more svelte, and are almost always foldable so they’re comfortable to carry in a pocket all day.
Hunting knives, as a general rule, have blades that are roughly 3.5 inches to 4.5 inches long. Anything much longer or much shorter might make the knife a bit difficult to control. Hunting knife handles are about 4 inches long, with a grippy texture for when things get messy while processing game. Blade material is similar to other types of knives, with steel formulations such as D2, M4, and Crucible Industries’ CPM series being very popular. Most modern steels can be sharpened relatively easily and can hold that edge for long enough to get through a hunt.
You don’t have to go far and wide to find the best hunting knife for you. We’ve rounded up here the most popular hunting knives to start this year.
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Pathfinder handmade knives are pretty good
I do like the Benchmade knives , little pricey, but good quality
Old timer, buck, rapid river knife works, Michael morris, Michigan knives, cutco. I would add to that list
Only 5/10 were shown, good job guys.
Gerber is not trustworthy company after the scam they pulled with bear Grylls cheap knives to mint money. You forgot "Buck" Knives ! And plenty of knives in CRKT Benchmade Cold Steel Ontario TOPS and Condor … Do Your Research well

Gerber, 7cr is like using aluminum for a knife, im surprised you cant bend the knife with your hand like a pop can
In my opinion, a blade with the tip upwards is not a good hunting knife.
But that may just be me.
What a dangerous person Walter thank you Lynn sorry for your abuse. The State of Mi. Tracked him Audio and Video finally
All the gerber blades mentioned in this video are made from a Chinese 7cr steel that will not last long. Only good if you wanna go cheap
Esee 4?
Are you looking for the best hunting knives of 2022? These are some of the coolest knives for hunting we found so far:
couldnt afford those
I think most people, even sellers, are not able to tell hunting knife from bushcraft knife and maybe utility knife. Even some brand knife companies present and define their products just by giving a name. However, their name and function are 2 different things.
What would you do in a hunting? Kill an animal, peel its skin, cut its bones. You also may find your bushcarft knife performs well on killing an animal and cut the bones. However, you need a special function to peer an animal. You may have a question why a bushcraft knife can’t do peeling?? The key is on the point of the blade.
Most bushcraft knives are made on a narrow angle of blade point which is under 45 degree. A knife with this angle of blade is easy to do bushcraft well on stabbing and cutting off shallow deep wood, while easy to break a skin that you may want to make clothes later but you dig a big hole already.
Thus, a standard hunting knife should have a over 60 degree blade point and maybe 7~9 cm blade to perform peeling well. A big hunting knife? That’s another story.
With criteria, you can tell what knives are hunting knives and what are not in the video. You can see at least Uncle Henry of Schrade is a standard hunting knife (But I don’t agree it’s a survival knife)
more like a commercial. no thanks
So this video is just a reel of adverts for individual knives. There is nothing in here that states why these have been selected over other knives. There’s no testing, nor is there even mention of important blade features such as bevel angle or blade hardness.
You say there will be no folding knives and then immediately show a folding knife. Useless video.
very professional channel thank you
Nothing beats a case 366 from the 60s and u can still get one for around 100 bucks used
Why would you put camo on a knife? You drop it and it’s literally gone
wrinkler knives are the best!
These are lower quality knives
Lol gerber are rubbish these days
Interesting that the Buck 110 Folding Hunter did not make this list. Very glad to see that CRKT Hunt’N Fisch knife was included.
I have the benchmade saddle mountain with leather sheath. The sheath is cheap leather and feels cheap as well, the knife feels more of a toy than a hunting knife which was a huge disappointment. used it whilst processing a sambar deer and was dull after only getting half way through the job. If your looking for a starter knife for one of your kids and using on rabbits then it may be for you. however if your an adult and processing bigger animals then don’t waste your money as a spoon will serve you better.
Benchmade makes super high quality hunting knives.
For crying out loud I can buy a Kershaw just like that Benchmade but the Benchmade sales for $400 and the Kershaw sells for 25 bucks it’s no wonder I don’t own a Benchmade
I have a Benchmade that looks like the CRKT, where are knives of Alaska? They make the best ones for hunting.
You cannot mention "Best" Hunting knives without mentioning Montana Knife Company #MKC
Que padre vídeo
Why does the guy talking about the Benchmade knife sound like he’s talking through a face mask or like there is a wash cloth over his mouth?
GERBER!!!!! I would not give you 10 cents for one, I purchased one of
their Machete’s and have never seen a blade chip so bad in all my life,
expensive and an utter waste of money!!
I Love To Have A Rosewood Knives
Useless video. with 500k subscribers you should do better. Buy all the knives, and do a good and honest review of them. Felt like it was a 11 minute infomercial.
TOYOKUNI best Japanese hunting knifes
I usually try to find some cons to go along with the pros.. https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxnkYCgssg4ZO858cyBdD1JPEaUJ9Up1C_ but it really is a good knife. The blade sits centered in the handle when closed (photo added). It opens effortlessly. Unlocks and closes easily with one hand. It’s a great size for EDC. I wish this exact knife came in one of the premium steels to satisfy the knife snob in me.. but it’s a great tool at a great price as it is. Would buy again.
None of which would be in my list … none really … there are a LOT better hunting knives out there …
No buck? Wow
Hopefully Ben gave you guys permission to copyright his video at the end
What’s the name of the soundtrack in the background from 2:06 to 3:34?