CAMPOS knife roll:
Sharpening hone:
Skinning knife:
Boning/fillet knife:
Breaking knife 8″:
Game Shears:
Bone saw:


  1. Many underestimate how important knives are, shitty and cheap knives make everything suck. Good equipment will make quick work of an animal.

  2. I like these knives and have used them a few times on game and maybe i need to start using them more, but i will say they are some of the best for fish and for the price fing amazing

  3. Another useful video for the hunter who needs results without breaking the bank and a thoughtful choice for an oftentimes overlooked subject. Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts!

  4. In New Zealand we are often 5hrs away from camp or vehicle before sooting a large red deer. Full butchering in the field is essential for us. A 30-50kg pack of venison on our back and back to the hilux we tramp. Love your vids Great k9 Guru!

  5. I hunt close to home in the UK so do any butchering at home of the small roe and occasional young fallow deer. That’s a great kit for the bigger jobs.

  6. I usually do just deer, bear, and a few hogs . I have a breakdown nylon roller hoist and a lightweight chain and pipe gambrel for deep in the bush. Debone and ice asap in the field. Gotta go prepared and be ready especially in warmer weather. A four inch skinning blade , caper or small filet knife, freezer bags, sharpening steel. After skinning many black bears, my blade of choice for them is a Buck hawkbill linoleum knife. I’ve done domestic cows and pigs and once a buffalo .His backbone was a trip. Thanks for another informative video Sir.

  7. You don’t need a set of knives. For over 30 years I’ve used the same knives; 1) Cold Steel Voyager large for gutting 2) a Western skinning knife 3) a Cold Steel fillet knife and 4) an oddball boning knife, I don’t know the make but it holds an edge second to none. I also carry a fine/medium diamond hone and a steel for quickly restoring the edge, I do believe it is a SpiderCo. Apart from the Cold Steel Voyager I think I have about $50 in the whole setup and the Cold Steel Voyager has done 80% of the work.

  8. Another excellent presentation that comes from real the world experience of an unsponsored no bullshit guy. That’s the reason that you are the ONLY YouTube channel that I watch every single video you do. (often watch them more than once) Your experience, knowledge and ethics are very apparent.

  9. You are a genuine hunter Desert Dog. I laugh with so many American’hunters’ that walk to a blind in full camo where they sit while animals parade past them waiting to be shot. This is meat harvesting but i fail to see how its hunting? Keep up the awesome content

  10. I grind down the points on those pairing knives and use them for caping or for skinning smaller animals. They work well.

  11. Hi Desert Dog, Many thanks for sharing your expertise and wisdom on so many relevant topics. I’m sure you get beaucoup requests for Hunting Tutorials. I’ve watched your Quail Videos many times over. Great stuff and very helpful! Hoping you can find time this year for lessons on CA Pig Hunting. Gear, strategy, shot placement, etc

  12. I bought a cheap game processing kit from walmart. It’s worked good so far. I did add a small skinning knife, the blade is not longer than pointer finger when in my hand and a fillet knife.

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