1. Your website is not helpful in the least. I have a senior license with all endorsements and just want an antlerless permit.

  2. This is the worst year. I thought last year was messed up, I don’t even know if I’m going to try to buy a license or doe tag next year the heck with all this insane nonsense. PA gets stupider every year

  3. Unbelievable. Ive never witnessed such incompetents. Just create a simple app. May want to look at Ohios system. I. Sure the Odnr would be happy to help.

  4. It worked fine last year….
    But wait we can make it better 🙄
    Still can’t buy a license online…frustrating 😕
    I will buy it old school.

  5. Let’s make it as hard as you can. 45 steps to get a license. What a ludicrous process for an agency encouraging hunting in Pa.

  6. Dear PGC, your website has got to be one of the most difficult navigation problems since Land Nav at ITS. You folks really need some better IT people! How about just a simple link to get to our accounts instead of making us run all over the site clicking on vague possibilities until we finally find it. You know, like every other site, simple ‘Log In’ in the upper right corner. There’s an idea for ya!

  7. Why make something so simple so complicated? I have perched a non resident adult hunting license for several years and never had any problems.

  8. Oh my god just give us a link. Amazing how any state run agency can turn something so simple into a nightmare

  9. The PA Game Commission is the epitomy of what’s wrong with government. They waste money on everything under the sun and they can’t make things simple. They go out of their way to complicate things to try and catch you doing something wrong. KISS….KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!

  10. Where do the monetization funds for these videos go? An ad on this video is worse than the ad in the digest we had to pay for 😂

  11. Get your Shi+ together GC. I grew up with technology and your website absolutely socks. When you click on license there should be a Huge hyperlink to click on to actually Buy a dang license. A page full of gibberish. Hate this process every year sob.

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