How to Choose Scope Covers

How to Choose Scope Covers

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How to Choose Scope Covers
In this video we go over how to choose scope caps or covers. We also talk about my experiences with them and what I recommend. Along the way I give you a trick to making them fit.

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  1. The smaller ones seem decent, but the bigger objectives don’t seem to have solid closure. The two I have on my swfa scopes have a nice pop to them but I just bought for my athlon 50 mm objective, it opened too easy and didn’t have solid closure. Several others felt the same

  2. anyone know of a flip-up cover designed to allow for the adjustment of the focus? Most of my scopes focus by twisting the ring at the ocular which means that I have to remove the ocular cover in the field. Not ideal at all.

  3. Good idea using the microwave I usually use boiled water but it’s a hassle good vid mate cheers Yogi 🇦🇺🤙🤙

  4. Thanks for the info. I’ve used the Butler Creek "Flip-Open" Scope covers in the past (red color eyepiece lever). They have worked well for me. My lastest scope is a Leupold VX Freedom 6-18×40 with a 30mm tube. I selected B.C.’s Multiflex Flip-Open scope cover (yellow lever) for the eyepiece this time (don’t know why, maybe they were sold out of the red color ones..). The objective scope cover works great, fits perfect. The eyepiece cover would not stay closed. I had selected the 10-11 eyepiece ~ 1.516"- 1.550", which seems to fit pretty well, tight but not difficult to put on and didn’t move around with any slop. Leupold shows the eyepiece outer diameter at 1.63" for this scope, but in reality, the eyepiece measures 1.571". This is the part that screws into the end of the scope > eyepiece side. The part that the eyepiece screws into is in fact, 1.63". The scope cover cap does NOT go all the way back, so it only lightly touches the 1.63" section, doesn’t fit over. Not very exact on Leupold’s part IMO, but hey what do I know, I’m just a customer. I did try to adjust the spring tension on the yellow lever Multiflex scope cover, so it wouldn’t be so powerful. Taking apart and putting back together isn’t tough, but I lost the spring in the process… . Ya, not tough to put back together with or without the spring…. . I’m just going to order a "Flip-Open ~ Red Lever model at a size closer to the 1.571", but not oversize. I wonder if the Multiflex size eyepiece was just too small, and that’s why it wasn’t holding against the spring once on the scope, or it was just manufactured a little bit off ? It still fits, no spring of course, but it still seems a little too easy to open. New B.C. Flip-Open Scope covers are not expensive, so I’ll order an eyepiece one today in the size # 13 ~ 1.570" and hope for the best. Sorry for the long novel.

  5. I’ve used the eye covers for years both original red button and Multi yellow button, I love them. I have had problems with the objective cover not staying closed on the Multi-flex, yes I make sure I’m using the correct size. The Vortex 270 degree cover works better but I’m thinking they may not be made anymore.

  6. You clearly arnt using your equipment very hard, the butler creek are sh#te, I’ve broken endless pairs over the years. The vortex defender are a better stronger unit at a similar price.
    Butler creeks new element version looks better though, but are seriously over priced in the UK.

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