Everything You need to Backpack Elk Hunt (Tips from the Pros) | Elk Week 2023
Kody and Steve Spec from EXO go over what’s in Steve pack. They break down Steve’s Ultra Lightweight backcountry setup and how he packs everything into the new K4 EXO Pack.
STEVES PACK LIST https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d4vWQqEy55H5DxSaZ_1LEZ58ZEWNA_8G/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105028409896817209263&rtpof=true&sd=true
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The winner and next giveaway will be announced in tomorrow’s Elk Week video.
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ELK WEEK 2023 | July 17th through July 22nd | Daily videos. Daily giveaways. Daily at 4PM Pacific. Only on the Born and Raised Outdoors Youtube Channel.
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ELK WEEK FILM CONTEST; A chance for viewers to be showcased on the Born and Raised platform by sharing their own hunting experiences through film. 3 finalists will have their elk hunting films on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 during Elk Week. Want to have yours shown during Elk Week 2024? Pick up a camera and get out there! The submission deadline is May 1, 2024.
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#bornandraisedoutdoors #hunt
Do you ever need to use a bear canister?
What size k4 pack is he using in this video??
Would you please test dukuseek heated hunting vest? Looking forward to prepare one for the coming hunting season.
So you said less than 2 lbs and talked a lot about rain but what about for snowy climates (Colorado mountains)
Wait can we go back to the part about solo packed in bull hunt with a motorcycle? 😂 can you explain this because that sounds legit!
Was wondering if there was a link to the gear lists of each of you guys so I could see exact make model to search for?
Counterpoint on not putting anything into stuff sacks: You’ll spend a lot less time looking for shi-tuff if you have all of your cooking and fire supplies in a colored bag, your headlamp, battery pack etc. in a different colored bag, so on and so forth. Lower risk of this in a K4 (I love it, good work guys) since it doesn’t have 25 pockets and pouches but even so.
Definitely agree on the sleeping bag, pad, tarp etc though. Tearing down camp is a lot more arduous than setting it up when you have to fold everything into it’s stuff sack or zippered storage. You can lose some ounces by leaving all of those at home.
My son and daughter gave me an Exo 1800 pack. Talked about packing out elk… 👌 wow. Mr. Doug Flutty Supreme.
Great job! Thanks and best…dwq
Appreciate you gents
I have the BRO 4800. Absolutely love this pack. I have been using a tent for years. Im thinking of a bivy sack and tarp. What is the name of the bivy sack and tarp that you use?
Great video thanks for sharing
Great content ! Gets you pumped up
You should do a detailed video of how your hydration system works
Great gear review! Much appreciated
Great video
Great video, very informative, thank you!! As a new backcountry hunter, I’m intrigued by the bivy/tarp idea. Can you share what you are using or post a link for some recommendations on that topic?
Good stuff!
What website do you buy the water filter system at?
How about posting a list of items to pack for each type weather to hunt lightweight
If you mean the Strawberry Wilderness that’s part of Murderers creek unit…. It’s god awful these days. 1050 elk archery tags and 1040 Buck tags running at the same time. It’s the definition of pressured elk, then add the Wolves and you have one terrible hunting unit.
That was the best pack video I’ve ever seen, I didn’t believe a guy could get his gear in for under 20 pounds I might give it a try
Headlamp wise my Costco has a nice rechargeable headlamp 3 for like $25 right now. This unit is just like the Husky rechargeable unit that is $39.
Tripod and spotter/binos? Pistol? Love your stuff man. Hoping to get a k4 soon.
Love my Exo. Given how much Steve counts ounces, I’m surprised his charger cable is so long.
One time I went into the backwoods 7 miles in Colorado thinking it was supposed to be warm, it was 80 when i left the truck, it was soaking wet first night and frosty, couldnt get warm and brought a warm weather bag, froze and walked out next day. That is not always the case but in the colorado mountains at altitude any weather is possibel always.
Luxury item= either Helinox Zero or REI FlexLite AIR chair. Both only 1lb but worth every mile trekked with them and priceless when glassing for long durations.
Steve, you ever consider getting together with Osprey for harness/ hip belt design, and engineer. Osprey builds the best load carrying harnesses.
Love the backpacking light approach to hunting! Check out zebralight 18650 headlamps, they put all the mainstream options to shame in terms of light output/weight ratio. Also, very helpful to have a super powerful light to navigate deadfall in the dark
Going to have to get an EXO here soon!
Great stuff… wish I could get mine down to 25…35…not 70… spotter, batteries, radio, xtr underwear…socks…paints…etc… do u wash in creeks?
I got a lifestraw water bottle and switched to using that as my main water source. It’s the fastest system out there IMO. I have an msr filter as a backup
What about pistol and most importantly whiskey?
Did you put a spotter or tripod in there?
Just weighed my pack.
And I’m sitting at 25lbs.
with water but without food.
(Bino and hatchet weight included)
3200 to 3300 calories a day??? WTF!!! Are you bodybuilding?
You’re only out there for 2-10 days. Who cares if you lose a pound or two. 2000 calories a day is all that is necessary.
3200-3300 calories of food a day for 10 days has to be an extra 20 lbs worth of weight if not more.
Try weighing that 3200-3300 calorie a day package against a 2000 calorie a day package. Bet you could shave off about 6-8lbs.
Anyone know what knife he’s using?
Ide love to see a lighter pack hit the market that took influence from thru hiking backpacks. Ditch all the hoop la and give me an excellent Frame and hipbelt with a 50L cuben fiber/dynema roll top. No zippers. No brain on top, the straps on the back I don’t NEED and so on. Minimize it, I think there’s an untapped market still for ultralight hunting packs.
Did you include your gear list in the comments? Thanks!
Game bags? Kill kit? Glassing equipment? Tourniquet? Camp chair/glassing chair?
Spotting scope and tripod? On solo hunt.
This guy has learnt from ultralight hikers, well done.
Love seeing a fellow Idahoan pack setup! This is my second year hunting and we have a couple 4-9 day trips planned and this helps out so much! I definitely packed as a “what if” guy last season and it was brutal! Love the video!
Oregon deer and elk hunter here. I’ve killed my share of nice four point mule bucks some archery, some rifle. Same with elk, biggest WESTERN kills 324 Roosevelt, and a 145 blacktail. A couple 160 mule bucks. — I’m thinking about going for an Idaho elk hunt, where do I start in a units to go for or to avoid? I do have horses and ATVs. I can go rifle or archery.
Hand gun ? How much ammo?
I DEFINITELY over packed. Thank you for the video!
Nice pack. Only the minimum. I don’t pack my fears, but I will pack a few comforts. Especially a tent.
What bivy sack/tarp does Steve use?
Do you have some suggestions for big and tall guys? I am 6’10" tall and built like a oak tree.
Funny you say guys pack their fears on their back.
I am military so i find myself bringing stuff I would never leave behind in my my professional job but are so not needed for my backcountry hunts. My pack gets pretty damn heavy lol.
A great point is water resistant stuff sacks, ruck cover, and full rain gear for an august eastern WA bear hunt. It rains once a month during the summer here but lord knows Id be lost without my wet weather gear lol. Military broke my brain i geuss.
3200 to 3300 calories a day??? WTF!!! Are you bodybuilding?
You’re only out there for 2-10 days. Who cares if you lose a pound or two. 2000 calories a day is all that is necessary.
3200-3300 calories of food a day for 10 days has to be an extra 20 lbs worth of weight if not more.
Try weighing that 3200-3300 calorie a day package against a 2000 calorie a day package. Bet you could shave off about 6-8lbs.