Essential Gear EVERY Deer Hunter Needs in Their Pack

Essential Gear EVERY Deer Hunter Needs in Their Pack

Welcome to Ron Spomer Outdoors! In this video, I unpack my deer hunting pack and outline the essential gear every deer hunter needs.

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Who is Ron Spomer
For 44 years I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. In my attempts to connect with this natural wonder, to become an integral part of our ecosystem and capture a bit of its mystery, I’ve photographed, hiked, hunted, birded, and fished across much of this planet. I’ve seen the beauty that everyone should see, survived adventures that everyone should experience. I may not have climbed the highest mountains, canoed the wildest rivers, caught the largest fish or shot the biggest bucks, but I’ve tried. Perhaps you have, too. And that’s the essential thing. Being out there, an active participant in our outdoor world.

Produced by: Red 11 Media –

All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not modify any cartridge or firearm beyond what the manufacturer recommends. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.


  1. In addition im a big fan of carrying a package of dude wipes, some game bags a large black contractor bag, spare batteries, and a first aid kit.

  2. Just found your videos, have heard of you of course but now that i am retired i’m watching youtube more. Love your videos and your dog :). Best Wishes!!! A from NJ

  3. I keep a $20 bill in my license holder in case I need to hitch a ride or buy a little gas off somebody. One thing in your kit I would leave at home is the suppressor. Simply not needed for big game hunting. Thanks for the vid, Ron!

  4. Flashlight and headlamp. I’m sure you carry them but forgot to mention them.

    Tourniquet and some basic first aid.

    Cell phone and battery pack. I have a flashlight that doubles as a phone recharger.

    Spare reading glasses.


    Love all of your videos. You speak the language of the common man. Please do some African hunting content.

  5. Very nice set up! I’m about to be putting my own large pack together for public land hunts and far off public land hunts. I was surprised you didn’t pull any kind of med kit out though med kit is one of my top things along with fire starting tools. Love your videos

  6. Such great info. Thanks for sharing your years of experience. My only prayer is we have enough young people coming along to keep our ways alive … 🙏

  7. Hey Ron I have watched multiple of your videos. I want to get in to hunting but don’t have money for multiple rifles. I see you like the 7mm rem mag as your best do all cartridge. If I’m wrong you can correct me but would you do a video on best rifle/scope/suppressor. For the 7mm rem mag or if I’m wrong whatever best do all cartridge. Thanks

  8. Ron, great to see Covey make an appearance again. She’s a beautiful girl.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    Cheers Jeff

  9. I typically hunt Roosevelt elk 4-5 miles per day on BLM land in Western Oregon’s Trask unit.

    I shortened the binocular strap to just below the chin for minimal distance to eyes and to keep the binos from flopping and banging; use them with your shooting sticks to steady and prolong scanning clearcuts and other open areas; that, traversing aid and solidifying my aim is why I chose the 3-legged Trigger Stick.

    I don’t carry a pack, just what I’ll need to field dress in my big rear vest pockets- duct tape, kitchen trash bags, light tarp; traveling light is much quieter and easier to traverse brush and logs.

  10. It’s interesting how people use their packs in different parts of the world. I’m from New Zealand and here almost nobody would use a pack like yours. The majority of the packs here have a single main compartment and few or no pockets or other compartments. My favorite pack is a single compartment canvas mountaineering pack, It’s nice an narrow so doesn’t snag when bashing through the bush, we also generally use a plastic pack liner for waterproofing as weather here is not stable. I’ve even used my pack a couple of times as a flotation device to get across rivers.

    Most of the contents would generally be quite similar, without the sitting pad and shooting sticks – although I’d like to try them out sometime. I would generally just carry a single hunting knife, although if I did trophy hunted I’d probably carry more.

  11. A small balloon also works to protect muzzle in wet weather. FWIW – I include gut gloves, unscented wet wipes, gut hook tool, and "Butt-Out 2" tool in my pack.

  12. When it comes to fire starting methods, one is "none", two is "one", and you always want to carry more than "one".

  13. What are those shooting sticks? Home made? I have a Primos tripod that I rarely use because of the weight and are looking for something that I can carry in my back pack.

  14. I took a look at Open Range Creations’ gallery and those boxes are gorgeous. I knkw what my first "luxery" purchase is going to be once I have all of my practical gear squared away. New, adult onset hunter by the way, I’ve learned so much from your channel.

  15. Excellent and thorough explanation of what you normally take on a plains style deer 🦌 hunt.
    I actually bought an Eberlestock F7 Kite 🪁 pack and F1 Mainframe as a combo western pack and something to carry my tree 🌳 saddle sticks and platform but also be able to pack out a deer 🦌. But I think that the X2 would be a better choice for the latter even though it won’t haul weight like the F1 Mainframe

  16. Wow, is that a load out. Lucky me in Northern Michigan where I’m hunting three steps out the back door with a rifle, knife, and deer drag.

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