Did Mossberg Make A Great Shotgun Affordable? – Mossberg 940 Pro Tactical Review
Mossberg sent me the 940 Pro Tactical a while ago. Honestly, I wasn’t in a rush to review it. A sub-$1000 semi-auto shotgun didn’t seem like it would stand out. But the moment I held it, something changed.
The first thing that struck me was the design: a classic feel with modern elements. But it wasn’t just the looks. Shooting it was a revelation.
It was smooth, fast, and balanced. It felt lightweight and was effortless to handle. The oversized controls and innovative optics mounting made a huge difference, too.
Loading it was almost comically easy, and the tang-mounted safety was intuitive. It left me wondering how Mossberg achieved this blend of performance and affordability?
Could it be that Mossberg has made a high-quality shotgun at an unbeatable price? Dive into my full experience and find out what makes the Mossberg 940 Pro Tactical so intriguing.
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Colion, your videos are always awesome but it was nice to see you in the field with a M37 Dodge. Is it yours by chance?
Did they resolve the issue with the wobbly fore-grip?
Would you buy this one over a Benelli M2?
An old girlfriend told me she appreciated the texture on my fore-end.
Thank you 😊
I get the whole it’s still pricey….. but look at Beretta…$$$$…. Of course a pump will get u there!…. But let me ask you if u go semi auto…… what is your life worth?
Hook me up with one homie 😊
On comparing the mossberg to the A300 Beretta and 1301 Baretta
Excellent video. Highly informative. I was already seriously thinking about purchasing one, but your video answered many of my questions. Thank you very much! Happy Holidays!
I’ll take the “A300 ULTIMA PATROL” anytime of day!!!
Just an FYI for all who buy this. This is a great shotgun that eats everything. It wouldn’t cycle shorty’s but every brand of standard size 12 runs without failure. The only problems I ran into are caused by one part. The plastic M-Lok barrel/shell holder attachment. For standard shooting it will hold up fine. But if you have to burn down a bunch of rounds… It melts and becomes loose.. (Ask me how I know) If you over tighten this attachment, you run into your second problem. Feeding issues on rnds 4,5,6, or 5,6. I experienced failure to feed at both. So if buying this, I would highly recommend removing the crappy M-Lok attachment and run it with no light or any other attachments. OR.. You can pick up the aluminum 3 rail M-Lok Foregrip made by Truckee from Mesa Tactical. This solved both problems I experienced. Gave me M-Lok options, and there was no more binding on my feeding tube. It’s wider than the original to incorporate the M-Lok rails. But it is well worth it for what you gain. In my search, it is the only after market foregrip that I could find for the 940 tactical. If anyone is on the fence.. All I can say is if you want M-Lok attachments and a decent look and feel fore-grip. It works great.
1K+ affordable….Nope, not me…wanna great shotgun….try out the Panzer Arms M4 clone….an EXCELLENT tactical shotgun…and drum roll please……………………..$499.00. And I mean an excellent shotgun.
Where the hell do you put the bayonette on this thing?
Well done Colion; ya "smoked it"!!
TFB TV did a 500 rd burndown
It is a reliable shotgun. There is a big change with the spacer tube creating a better sjotgun The spacer has holes to prevent gases and dirt collecting on the mag tube
looking at one soon at my local Bass Pro
Holy shit. I want this shotgun.
1000 dollars too much for a shotgun
A300 Ultima Patrol!
Nice !! but cant get it in DK
How does it compare to the 1301 or the patrol
Sweet! I bought the Thunder Ranch Edition of the 940, and love it. Great review, agree with every point.
3:35 Out of context
Broke on my first hunting trip. Stopped cycling. Cracked the plastic part above the reload entry. I also had the plastic safety break before the trip and replace with a metal safety. I have shot it a lot (500 or so rounds while hutning) and still like the gun. I’d plan on buying a few aftermarket advancements.
Great review!
Really wet hot dog 😂😂😂
If you could only have one semi automatic shotgun, would you choose this or the Beretta 1301?
When you talk about having an $80K truck and talk about a $1K shotgun as affordable, you’re in a different class than me buddy.
Thanks Dog, I’m sold…
This is a copycat of Beretta 1301 or model A300, maybe some of the parts are not the same but the design all most the same .
I like mine.
That is exactly the kind of blacked out tacti-cool truck I thought Colion would drive.
im in a situation 870 magpul or this 940 tactical pro?
You just have to drop the F bomb, Really?
You should take it apart and put it back together again
Nice thank you for the content.
did you try capacity with mini shells
Hey Bro, no need to drop the F Bomb, you’re good without the gutter talk……..
Honest question for the guys that use shotgun for home defense – how are you preventing hearing loss if someone breaks in and you grab a shotgun? Are you also grabbing hearing protection or are you just risking it all in that moment?
I have the 1301 much better but I’m getting this one as well
As a owner it’s become my favorite shotgun.
I want
It’s greatness to 1000 rounds and then you might as well throw it away
How much was he paid to endorse this gun
Great video! Keep up the good stuff!❤🎉😊
Looking at my 590a1 in typhon picked up i think in 13′ yeah its a keeper, but i do want a SA
Sorry can’t trust a review that’s sponsored.
Just bought my first Mossberg 940 Pro Tactical and after seeing your review, I have zero buyer’s remorse. Appreciate your approach!