BEST VALUE Binoculars for Hunting & Choosing Hunting Binoculars | 13 Binoculars Reviewed

BEST VALUE Binoculars for Hunting & Choosing Hunting Binoculars | 13 Binoculars Reviewed

What are the best value hunting binoculars? Are expensive binoculars worth the money? How do they compare? How to choose hunting binoculars? That’s what you’ll find out in this video. #hunting #binoculars #value

This video reviews the 14 best binoculars for hunting, at different price points, in order to determine the best hunting binoculars for the money. I cover everything from entry-level to high-end hunting binoculars and everything in-between, sorted by price for convenience.

You can find more detailed information about this review on my Blog at:

14 Popular Binoculars Field-Tested To Find The Best For The Money

Intro (0:00​)
How To Choose Hunting Binoculars (2:10​)
The Start Of Review (7:04​)

Here Are The Binoculars Reviewed In This Video:

Vortex Diamondback (7:54​)
Vortex Diamondback HD (9:28​):
Celestron Nature DX ED (10:51):
Athlon Midas UHD (11:52​):
Athlon Midas G2 UHD (12:42​):
Nikon Monarch 5 (13:14​):
Celestron TrailSeeker ED (14:43):
Maven C1 (15:28): ( (×42-10×42-12×42)
Zeiss Terra ED (16:50​):
Vanguard Endeavor ED IV (17:48​):
Vortex Viper HD (18:36​):
Maven B2 (19:13​): ( (×45-11×45)
Vortex Razor UHD (20:16​):
Swarovski EL (21:30​):

Best Binoculars At Each Price Range (23:18​)
Best Value Binocular (25:22)
Outro (25:52​)

Manufacturing technology has improved a lot over the last few years and high-quality binoculars can be bought for a fraction of what they once were. After trying some newer glass I couldn’t believe how good they were in comparison to older glass.

I knew an upgrade would be well worth it, but I didn’t want to break the bank. If you’re reading this you’re probably in the same boat.

It is important to choose the right binoculars for the job they are being asked to perform. Choosing the best binoculars for hunting will depend on what type of hunting you are doing. To get the most out of your binoculars you will want to match binocular specs to how you hunt.

Weight, magnification, low-light capabilities…etc are all things to take into consideration when choosing the best hunting binoculars for the money.

There are trade-offs that should be considered, that when understood, will allow you to make the best purchase decision for your specific hunting situations so you get the most out of your binoculars.

How Hunting Binoculars Were Chosen For This Review:

After researching hundreds of binoculars using multiple online sources and cross-referencing them, I decided to buy hunting binoculars where these multiple sources overlapped in recommendations.

I tested these binoculars over a 3-week period in common hunting scenarios in order to see how they compared to each other. They were scored using 10 categories that are essential for hunting applications:

Build Quality
Bulk & Weight
Field of View
Low-Light Performance
Chromatic Aberration

Are Expensive Hunting Binoculars Worth The Money?

There is a point of diminishing return when buying hunting binoculars. You can obtain 80% of the quality by spending 10x less money.

For example, the Athlon Midas binoculars cost +/- 250$, whereas the Swarovski EL’s cost +/- 2500$. So for 10x less money, you can still have at least 80% of what those expensive binoculars offer.

For me, if 250$ binoculars are even 70% comparable to 2500$ binoculars, that’s good enough for me.

I hope you’ve found this video review of the best hunting binoculars helpful, let me know if you have any questions or comments below.


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  1. Have you ever had the chance to try the Steiner 8×32 by any chance and if yes would you say the Athlon G2 is even better or similar? Thanks

  2. There is a far more elaborate review on optics trade….. a whole team is testing from budget to highend.
    And guess what: Diamondback HD winner on the scale to 450 €.
    Winner highend Swarowski >1700 €

  3. This is by a good amount, the best binoculars review I’ve seen to date. Thank you very much for spending all that money and time to educate us.

  4. Trying to decide between Nikon Monarch 7, Maven c1 and Athlon midas g2 . In 10×42.

    What do you recommend for traveling, hiking and sightseeing? Glass clarity and sharp image is my most important consideration. Then edge to edge clarity. Then water proof and build quality.

  5. Great review.. M tight on a budget.. Below 250$ which one would u go for.. For overlap day night and the occasional planet /moon watching

    Trailseekers (non ED) vs celestron. Nature DX ED or any other ones

  6. Great review. Maybe you could compare some porro prism binoculars. As they let in more light, have a wider FOV and are loads cheaper. Roof prism binoculars, have more glass so extra weight, don’t do low light well and cost a fortune.

  7. Very cool vid man I’ve never met ne1 who has $10,000 in binoculars! I I guess what u saying is go "cheap" $200-$300 or go big $1000 $2000 but don’t go in the middle I find that it like that with a lot of stuff not just binoculars

  8. I saw so many reviews in so many products. Honestly, your review is the best I have ever watched. The reason is that you have systematically explained every item and then you filtered all items that are not good and you came out to the one that is best value for the money, excellent job. I wish you continue to review other things on the same way.

  9. I’d turn up your volume/audio when editing. This video was pretty quiet even with my phone volume turned all the way up.

  10. Appreciate and really impressed by your effort and I just recently purchased an Athlon Midas ED/UHD 8×42 Gen 1 based on your review. I also just purchased an Athlon Cronus UHD 10×50 rangefinder binoculars as well.

    A friend who’s into optics suggested to buy cheap Celestron (NON HD) binoculars for bang for the buck but their warranty isn’t good and you have to pay them a fee- money everytime you need to send your binoculars in just like Bushnell. They also only have a 2 year warranty and only collamination issues fir the first 30 days and build quality seems non-existent based on many customer negative reviews.

  11. In the 500 range you should of added the athlon cronus and then you would have the overall winner. They Are $500 but beat out most of your high end models.

  12. Not putting a Leupold binocular in this video should be considered a crime. My Leupold BX-1 McKenzie will destroy the Vortex and Athlon. Paid $99.99 at Bass Pro recently…By the way Vortex seems to copy several Leupold designs also. Don’t believe my compare them in person…

  13. Fantastic in-depth review!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for this. For hunting and tracking in Maine, do you think the 8×32 would be any better? Or, is the 8×42 the sweet spot for power?

  14. Which one is better Leupold BX-2 Alpine HD 10×52 mm (181178) or Vortex Diamondback HD 10×50?
    Today both price are same

  15. So there is a little bit of a mixed review on the Vortex 8×42 HD Diamondbacks, and I care to share that with you! The actual contrast is flatter on the Diamondbacks when compared to my Zeiss Victory 8×20 compacts, and on a grey day the Ziess have more sparkle and contrast by at least %10! But,,,,,, when the sun is shining at its peak or under snow conditions with a bright sun, I find the Vortex has a more beautiful look without blowing out any highlights for lower contrast glass! The colors pop more to my taste on the Vortex when the sun is out, especially yellows and greens, and even blues. So, the Zeiss Victory scores higher on sharpness, and contrast,,,,,, but on colors and harsh lighting conditions, I have to hand the more beautiful colors and smooth image over to my new Diamondbacks from Vortex! (I did have to tighten the focus knob just one time by popping of the knob cover, as it had a tiny dead zone out of the box, but that was very easy to fix and adjust, and so far, love these binoculars)

  16. I recently bought an Athlon Cronus UHD Gen 2 10×42 and compared to my $50 ScoopX UHD 10×42 they’re nearly identical in glass quality and main differences are significantly higher cost factor and weight difference and Athlon’s lifetime warranty.

    If buying everything with your own hard earned money tje ScoopX UHD can be bought for under $70 from some eBay sellers and pre-owned for under $50. I suggest trying them out for yourself since they’re at least noticeably superior to the Athlon Midas UHD in regards to glass quality and have field flatteners and comparable to the Cronus UHD Gen 2 but much lighter weight and way cheaper too.

  17. Realmente, increíble trabajo de resumen y mi compra se irá por los Athlon Midas G2 UHD.
    Gracias amigo y un abrazo enorme desde Santiago de Chile (Latin-America).

  18. *Magnification*is the first number, “zoom” refers to a device that is capable of using variable magnification, such as 8-15 x 50.

  19. That was the best review of binoculars that I’ve seen and I believe I’ve watched them all. Thank you very much

  20. None of the binoculars you are reviewing "zoom". Quit using the word zoom and say magnification. Sorry but that really bugged me since it would be confusing for some.

  21. I really enjoyed your video. I’m 72 & I wear eyeglasses. I want to buy binoculars & I’m willing to spend $400. I want to spot deer, turkey & other wildlife. I want to bird watch as well. I’m currently looking at the Vortex Diamondbacks HD in 8×42, 10×42 & 10×50. I’d really appreciate your recommendation on which binoculars to buy. I’d consider other brands.

  22. Very good review. Only thing missing is the Apexel 10×42 Auto Focus Binoculars? I find these to be crystal clear, compact, well built . Wondering what is your take on these?

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