BEST Riflescope for Long Range?

BEST Riflescope for Long Range?

Former USMC Scout sniper, Defense Contractor, and current Vortex EDGE Long Range Instructor, Corey, covers his top considerations he makes when choosing the perfect optic for Long Range shooting. Tune-in to see what his top priorities are when choosing the right optic for his applications.

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  1. I’m surprised vortex has been around since 2002. I first heard about them in 2014, and their prices were very reasonable. Ten years later and they’re still reasonably priced. This brand is one of the few good ones.

  2. I purchased a Q firearms "The Fix" for a lightweight zombie apocalypse backpackable rifle in .308. If I wanted to engage targets from 0-800 yards what do you think about the EOTECH Vudu 3.5-18×50 FFP with a 45 degree mounted Trijicon RMR Dual Illuminated Reflex Sight as solid options? Would appreciate other options to consider but remember batteries are limited. 🙂 Also do you prefer MRAD or MOA for a Christmas tree reticule?

  3. People would be surprised how far a 10x scope can see. All my scopes are 3-18×50 and 4-16×50. I got one 6-24×50. I put it back in the box. My 3-18×50 Vortex razor, I have hit 12” targets out to 2300 yards. I have a fixed 10 power SS from SWFA that is critical clear and it can zoom in on a 2.5” circle with ease. I find myself using 10 power more than anything. Even at 2300 yards.

  4. Im looking for a vortex scope ffp lighted reticle i can dial to 100 yards out to 800 yards if need be its going on a 300 prc

  5. What specific scope can you recommend that has all the features you recommend for shots out to 600 yards max using a .300 win mag 150 grain bullet? For example I love the idea of lockable exposed turrets and return to zero stop and adjustable parallax. I also prefer low-end magnification to be 2 if able or 3 if unable 2. High end of 15 or so seems adequate but I’m not knowledgeable enough to really know. This will strictly be for hunting.
    Very informative video! Thank you

  6. This guy really knows his stuff and is a great shooter. I’ve taken a few classes with him at Vortex Edge. I highly recommend!

  7. Good evening. I am on the hunt for the right scope for my new Fierce Carbon Rival XP 7mm PRC. I did some long range shooting in Marine Corps with our sniper unit during a training excercise almost 30 years ago now. That was is the exent of my knowledge I am starting from the ground up. I was a 50 cal / 19 gunner we just had be close!! Now as a big game hunter its time to step up and get after the long range. I would like to train to be effective at a minimum 1000 with a goal of 1500. I would appreciate and suggestions you may have for the right scope in the Vortex line. Thank you for service. 3rd Marines Mar For Pac Kanehoe 94-97

  8. Shooting in NRA LR earning the American High Power Rifleman Award in Long-Range I enjoyed a dot on crosshair reticle, which helped me understand having a consistent sight picture, most important for highest scores when dialing wind. My optic is NF NXS 5.5-22 x 56 almost always operated at 10 power.

  9. oh FFS the music is so fucking annoying, trying to hear what you are saying with that screeching shit in the background, just stop it. It adds nothing, subtracts by giving me a headache.
    good info if you can tolerate the screeching

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