Best Defense Gun for a Home Invader Wearing Plates

Best Defense Gun for a Home Invader Wearing Plates

Weapon Wisdom!
Another scenario that we’ve all thought about: What if someone breaks into your home at night? But the twist is, this dude put plates on before breaking and entering. What are you grabbing?
#gunbros #glock #mossberg #20gauge #shotgun #homedefence #homeinvader #homeinvader #intruder #breakingin #breakin #firearms #2acommunity

More Weapon Wisdom –
Talks in the Gun Shop –

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  1. It still hurts getting shot while having plates on , it’s not a movie where the star just eats bullet’s except for the final villain scene when the villain have all of a sudden ap rounds 😂

  2. "20 gauge huh" people always mock the 20 gauge, you will say that same statement when you’re on the ground looking at the sky Bleeding Out!

  3. I do like this line of thinking
    What’s your favorite sidearm?
    What’s your favorite shotgun?
    Your favorite machine-gun?

  4. Y’all live in fantasy land. How many people have actually ever experienced a home invasion. I have, didn’t have a gun, still got the guy out of my house cause I’m not a coward who needs a gun.

  5. Best gun for home defense, Remington 870 Express chambered in 3 inch magnum slug round, 8 slugs and dont have to worry about peppering your walls, just patching a single hole and repainting… Or if you want them to just drop their gun and beg, cause you pull out a boomstick with 8 shots, plate dont matter when a slug says "Hi"

  6. First of all, you guys need to learn to make some solid ass house . How can anyone just sneak up into your house if it’s built with solid concrete and solid steel grills in the window.

  7. These videos of dumb questions are just kind of stupid. Like who df cares? Are you really going to sit there and take the time out to think about what gun you’re going to want to use instead of just grabbing whatever gun you have right next to you that you already knew you were going to use for that in the first place??

  8. That’s always the hardest choice for me, about a year ago a dog was out front scratching at the front door and hitting the door knob. That sounded like someone trying to force my first door open, that woke me and I realized that both my little kids had come and climbed in bed with me. That changes the game so I grabbed my mag of slugs and prepared myself for them to breach the secondary door. When this didn’t happen I looked at the cameras and saw the dog. I was a little relieved and disappointed at the same time.

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