Best Budget Hunting Rifles of 2024?

Best Budget Hunting Rifles of 2024?

The sub $800 hunting rifle category is packed with great options. Fit and finish to form and function, Mark Boardman and Ryan Muckenhirn evaluate some of the more popular models. The good news is you can’t go wrong with any of them. But which ones do they independently select as kings of their budget rifle roundup? Tune in to find out.

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  1. The one new rifle I’ve ever owned was a piece of trash. It was ugly, it didn’t look very durable and the accuracy was terrible. I had to do a ton of work to get it to shoot right. And it kicked like a mule in .308. I sold it for about $100 less than I paid for it by doing a private sale, and I got lucky. I replaced it with that Winchester 94, which I then sold in favor of a Marlin because the Winchester was too small for my large frame. That new rifle was a Remington 770.

  2. curious how your two favorites are shown as 9/10 and the Ruger is 8/10, when all total 41. or 8.2 avg. oh well, 3 really quality rifles.

  3. I just put my Ruger American gen 2 into a Magpul Stock and boy oh boy, what a beautiful set up in Grey 308. I have a metal 10rd, a magpul pmag 5rd, and stock ruger poly 3rd. My only wish is that Magpul would make their Bi-Pod in Grey.

  4. Best thing to do is buy what u feel comfortable with because all theses video guys get paid so stretching the truth sometimes not saying theses guys are but so do

  5. Savage 110 7mm08, aftermarket synthetic stock, Timny trigger, floating barrel, and one pice scope mount. Never fails for whitetail or any other big game I just haven’t personally used it on anything other than deer.

  6. Please do the same video again with 450 Bushmaster for us Straight Walled Cartridge States! CVA Cascade XT vs Bergara B14 Ridge vs Ruger American Gen 2 vs ect especially reaching out to 400 yrds!

  7. So, the savage has 0 features, you have to pay for lots of aftermarket parts to get anything.

    Meanwhile, the Ruger American II comes with so many features and is also legendarily reliable and very accurate. What is this review, lmao 😂

    Oh yeah lets get the new guys into the game with a basic no features rifle you need to spend even more money on to get any adjustability or ergonomics

  8. The Mossberg Patriot is IMHO the only good rifle out of the bunch. It’s a great rifle and it’s the most beautiful looking. But me, I hate new rifles, they’re just not built like they used to be. I’d take a nice used wood furniture rifle any day. I got a used Marlin 336 SC in 30-30 for a lower price than that Mossberg and every rifle on that table for that matter, and it’s a better rifle, it’s beautiful and accurate. I also bought a Winchester Model 70, Winchester 94, and 1898 Springfield 30-40 Krag sporter for less than these rifles here. The Krag was the cheapest of the bunch and so beautiful and accurate. And I took my first deer, a nice 8 point with my Winchester 94.

  9. Well 1. You have to thoroughly clean the barrel btw running lead cup and core bullets vs copper so if they did not do that that could explain some of the bad grouping they got. Because I have gotten much better grouping with many of those same rifles. Also were they shooting bench or real hunting situations?? Did they actually measure the trigger pulls on each gun with a gauge?? Or did they just go by what the box said. Plus Ito make it a better test I would run at least 3 different ammo choices from 3 or more different manufacturers. It is very misleading when u do these tests but do not clarify what you actually did or what u are actually going by because one can always make something shoot better if u are not comparing apples to apples and staying consistent btw each rifle and do the same thing for each one.

  10. I got a Mossberg 308 and 3006 for about 400$ each both had a scope both hold 5 shells but can use a detachable mag

  11. I have a Savage Axis in 30-06. Love that rifle plus I got it from Bass Pro on Blackfriday for $349 with a Weaver scope. I have since upgraded the scope, but it is an amazing rifle.

  12. Pretty surprised about tha ammo selection. Both the CX and Whitetail are inconsistent and generally known to not group worth a damn. Literally the only two selections to not have used. Lol

  13. IMO, not sure the CVA is a "budget" rifle.I can get a Tikka or a Weatherby Vanguard around the same money. I would go with the Savage 110 Trail Hunter (love the medium heavy barrel) and the Ruger American Gen 2. The Winchester and the Browning would be at the bottom of my list. The 110 is a much better choice than the Axis. The Axis is to "budget" for me. Interesting no Remington in the mix. One of the best "budget" rifles for a couple of decades was the Remington 700 ADL. No floor plate.

  14. There are lots of questions here about "Where is ______ rifle?" To that, I’d say a couple of things.
    1. They can’t do every rifle in one review. It would be nice to see them do more rifles in batches, and then compare the winners.
    2. You’re always free to go out and get a bunch of rifles and do your own review videos. Just sayin’… It’s easy to criticize free content that someone else put the effort into creating, right? Go do better, then.

  15. Idk if it’s considered budget or not but just put a browning a bolt ii 300 wsm w/ boss system in layaway for 700

  16. Bought a Stevens 334 with beautiful wood stock for just under $400. Wouldn’t trade it for any of those plastic guns.

  17. Oddly enough, I have owned 2 Winny XPR’s, a 7 mag and a 6.8 Western. The 7 mag was easily under and inch at 100, with the 6.8 W being under an inch with Browning 175gr LR. I OWNED 2 Franchis in 6.5 CM, one a ceracote and the other a HVY barrel varmint and I wasted about 250 bucks on ammo trying to find a factory offering that would shoot inside an inch at 100, and never did. I loved the actions and guns, but the lack of repeatable accuracy sent them packing. I sighted in a 270 win composite stock Patriot for a friend once and that thing would just drop them in at 3/4" groups at 100 even with a less than ideal shooting set up. Bag of corn on the 4 wheeler seat. Haven’t owned the Cascade, but I certainly would based on several reviews praising the accuracy.

    I am just about to purchase a 7mm-08, and I’m looking hard at the Ruger American Gen 2. Bang for the buck its gonna be hard to beat I think.

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