10 Best Pistols Under $350

10 Best Pistols Under $350

These 10 handguns offer tons of value for a low cost. If you’re looking for your first gun, this is a good place to start.

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  1. No one uses sights to defend an attack…..The use of sights is an offensive act…. Shooting some one more than 5 feet from you will place your self defense in question…..Tired of the gun B/Sโ€”NO armed citizen is ever going to get into a gun fight UNLESS they are looking for itโ€ฆ.law-enforcement and the military get into gun fights, NOT armed citizensโ€ฆ.Neither do Muggers get into gun fights, SO, forget about carrying a 15 round magazine, all you need is a quality snub nose revolverโ€ฆ..The confrontation between the Mugger and Citizen will be between zero and 5 feet, So make sure you have a round in the chamber and the safety off IF you carry a semi-auto—OR DO NOT CARRY A FIREARM, PERIODโ€ฆโ€ฆPRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE……

  2. Fn 509 is 750 right now for the compact price must have went up.
    The canik has a weird style grip it’s kinda odd.

  3. Chris – you should place baked in "titles" in the corner of the vid frame for each firearm youre discussing for the entire duration throughout the vid youre discussing it. Im looking to buy my first pistol and have watched a lot of your videos – my biggest gripe is that I keep having to seek back and forth through the videos to see which model youre talking about.

  4. Just saying thank you for your commentary to give me a good starting point in my research to find the right gun for me.

  5. Id say your number 1 pick is your only bad pick imo…
    If you think that gun deserves to be #1,you have never fired the heritage rough rider .22 (6.5in barrel)
    The heritage is only 150 NEW…its redicilously accurate at 100 yards as well.its only downfall is the lack of attatchments..as far as i know attatchments are not available

  6. M&p are trash. 1.0, 2.0, 2.0 performance models, the triggers are a joke even after you work on them. Unless you like crunchy triggers. My first one lost its white dot sight on the 2nd or 3rd shot. Customer support was useless. Used a white paint marker

  7. The CZ P10F is one of My top 5 guns. I bought mine used for $300 out the door. Zero issues in thousands of rounds. Makarov reliable!

  8. I will take the Taurus PT 709 Slim over the Taurus G3C ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Also it is under $300. So yeah. Piss on the G3C honestly. PT709 slim.

  9. I canโ€™t believe he loves Smith and Wesson. Iโ€™ve had so much bad luck with Smith & Wesson I would never buy one again

  10. I still don’t get how you guys shoot accurate so far away. Anything more that 50 feet I am lucky to see the target.

  11. These videos are a blessing . Very helpful & informative. Trying to decide on my first carry gun, I’m thinking Canik tp9 Elite SC, Sheild Plus, CZ P07, & 43 X any advice / help would be appreciated. I’ll probably end up getting them all eventually either way.

  12. Love your reviews. Your content is candid and thorough. I appreciate that you offer advice about guns in price ranges for average budgets. Thanks for the work you do to make your channel great

  13. I have the g3c. so far no problems, but for me when you talk about the g2c or the g3c you might as well just say the g series of guns.I have seen both models mention in other count downs ,also the gx4.

  14. I purchased CZP 10C just after they came out and I got a lemons . It shoots good and accurate my problem is with the slide release and magazine release which are extremely stiff even after 1000 rounds. I sent it back under Warren and after 6 weeks received it back with a note saying it shoots well. No change was made to address either problem so it was a waste of time sending it back.
    I saw a review on the gun by a gunsmith. He noted the Sam problem and traced it to some parts the needed be fixed. Seems like the first batch had internal parts that worked the slide and the clip release needs to be adjusted. He did and afterwards the gun worked fine. It seems the parts were rough and not finished to a smoother texture.
    Iโ€™m stuck with mine but as long as itโ€™s accurate I wonโ€™t have work done to it. I also brought Ruger security 9 which I absolutely love because clever Ruger firearm I have owned has been excellent great quality and a great price.

  15. Ruger security nine is a lot better than the 380 version you first get cheaper ammo and more powerful ammo also same design, same magazine capacity same price point as well matter of fact Iโ€™ve found the security 9 to be cheaper in most cases. Iโ€™ve had my security nine for almost 4 years now and itโ€™s never let me down. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever had a single jam

  16. Thank you Chris for your expertise. You are saving us a lot of second guessing. We enjoy seeing your wife on the range throwing lead and giving us her thoughts.
    Youโ€™ve got a really professional video production here!


  17. With the Taurus G3C ill say be on the look out for longer 9mm cartridges. My buddy has this gun and for whatever reason it doesnt seem to want to chamber and cycle some slightly longer 9mm hollowpoints that i can run through my Glock 17 and Sig 226 just fine. In fact at one point we tried to slap slide into battery, it didnt work, so we had to force it back open which lead to the bullet literally being extracted from the casing and getting lightly stuck in the barrel. Not ideal.

  18. I have a Stoeger STR9 and that thing had never let me down on range day. I have around 500-600 rounds through it and no complaints! Great budget gun under 350, usually on sale for around 250!!

  19. Forgive me loved yer content ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– wishing for a high cap 45cal doesn’t mean much to others I am 69 and old school. I do appreciate your honest analysis, and search for ergonomic intelligence ,and mechanical reliabilityand beautiful functionality ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿ––๐Ÿ––โš–๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒ„

  20. #10, I HAVe FAntastic also ruger 9mm security compact but not a easy rack as #10, both under $300.00 has the best cust. serv.

  21. I got my Shield PLUS for $350 ๐Ÿ˜Ž. Brand new too not used. No rebate, that was the price tag lol. I donโ€™t use optics on my carry guns cause 3 yards is the average self defense shooting range. Plus Iโ€™m more accurate with my irons than a micro red dot personally. Saved the $100 additional cost that would have gotten me the optics ready version and spent it on Federal HSTโ€™s instead lol. Best gun you can get these days for $350

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