Vortex Razor vs Viper Spotting Scopes: Which is best for you?
Vortex Viper 20-60×85 Spotting Scope: https://amzn.to/2Kg72le
Vortex Razor 27-60×85 Spotting Scope: https://amzn.to/374PyRx
We got the Vortex Razor 27-60×85 and the Vortex Viper 20-60×85 spotting scopes so that we could provide for you an unbiased, hands-on review. Whether you’re a hunter, bird watcher, or long distance shooter, these are both great options.
I must have really weird eyes. I picked the Viper as the better picture 3 out of 4 times. Great comparison.
Nice video! – It is probably worth mentioning that some viewers will see more substantial differences in terms of image quality between the Viper and Razor. When I compared them, both in 85mm, I found the Razor to be significantly brighter, with superior edge clarity and definition in the centre. The FOV also seemed more immersive. These differences might have been created by environmental factors, but I also found the build quality of the Razor to be significantly better than the Viper. There was very little difference between the Viper and Diamondback bodies, but a noticeable improvement with structure and material on the Razor, to say nothing about the weight factor.
I found the Razor to come close to the Zeiss Gavia, in several respects (the Zeiss Harpia and Swarovski ATX outperform it significantly in several ways); I certainly couldn’t say the same about the Viper.
Thanks for the engaging review!
I miss Ricky
Review could have been better. At different magnifications and build quality of each scope
Can you please do a video on best red dot for a tactical home defense shotgun , thx , I’m tired of watching these vids of cut and paste types by channels that probably have never even shot a shotgun
I needed this! Thanks!
How would you compare the gen 1 vs gen 2 razors? Do you prefer the knob style or helical focus?
I used the new Diamondback HD 20-60X85 last season. Not bad at low to medium power and decent in low light but trying to range bullet holes at 200 yards no way! I was able to pick out a buck at 700 yards but hard to get much detail. If I had to pay full pop on it, I would probably go the extra mile to upgrade to at least the viper. Thanks for the review.
Thank you for this video you saved me $700
I got all of the clips right, but I don’t think the price difference is with it to me
I own both of these scopes (although the Razor is an earlier model with the focus knobs on top instead of the ring). I compared both scopes side by side and decided on going with the Razor but with the Viper eyepiece installed. The eyepiece that came with the Viper seemed to be less sensitive to proper eye alignment and have less shadow. But I liked the top knob focus of the older Razor better and the lighter weight of the Razor was a big thing for me as I’m using it in high power rifle competitions where you need to cart them around mounted on tall scope stands.
$700 will buy me a new Proof Research barrel 😊
Very helpful. Thanks
I don’t own a spotting scope never been a fan of them but, clearly the Razor has a sharper image.
friends don’t let friends buy vortex!
great honest review. Thank you
ill explain what you will pay for in the simplest way …. low light clarity is more expensive. for some people it doesn’t matter. for other people that’s all that matters. it up to you to decide. that’s literally the baseline with all optics.
problem is making optics for human eye sight, you could have a technically better scope and not be able to tell withy the human eye. if optics was with a high resolution, really good camera/detector maybe the better one is needed, human sight adds some variables to the mix
Keep in mind that Vortex has terrible quality and worse quality control, so this review has nothing to do with the glass you’re going to get.
It’s the size & weight for me
I picked up the Viper 20-60×85 off Amazon a few days ago.
What is the exact name and number for the both of these scopes I want to go to website. Are these good for 1 mile ?
can you do an updated review but with a swaro ?
How can you possibly compare any scopes in such terrible viewing conditions? And you didn’t even mention field of view, which is much wider in the Razor. The Viper is like looking down a tube, the Razor is more immersive. Maybe shooters don’t care about this, but bird watchers do.
do a review where you use 5-shot targets at 100, 300, 500, 700& then 900 yds.
use the same target with those 5-shot groups every time.
Is there a spotting scope that is 20/60 ish under $200? Thats good at least.? Or am I just wishing on a star
In lower light it was hard to tell. In brighter light the Razor was clearer.
Try to use svbony sv28 25-75-70 its just 60$..against those 2 expensive scopes ..
Hi, thanks for you very helpful review. Assuming i decide to go for Viper over Razor — where do you stand on the new Viper versus the prior version of Razor. They are both available for about $750. Thanks.
Good, thx
That is a cool test funny I did pause all of the video to really have a look and yes I did get them all correct. There are small but noticeable difference when you look. I would like to know the range a magnification you used.
Have you guys every done a comparison video between vortex and Maven spotting scopes?
If not would love to see that.
Great review!
4/4, razor has crisper lines and better color
got all but 1. but honestly theres no point buying the razor compared to the viper for a spotting scope. for rifle scopes yea. not these
Same Q here, the target was how far or what Magnification on the scopes, sure be nice to know. If your at full mag. and can’t see bullet holes, why buy it., 300yds, or 500 yds???
What bothered me here was neither produced a sharp image. The camera was that bad?
Have you ever looked through kowa 66 TSN FL
Haven’t had a chance to test if it holds zero, but mounts just fine and has nice clear glass. Centered vertically true to a plumb line with the crosshairs which is always a plus!It’s a great https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxc4K63Fd5LglDMObu7-Bgapxp_ef0W8hE scope. There’s no parallax adjustment or focus ring, so may be limited to 3-7x, have to see how it is on the range. Also be aware that the rings are "look through" so you can still use irons, but they are really tall if you only intend to use the optics. On a 22LR no biggie since I’m not shooting competitions or worried about a hard cheek press. Will boresight and range test, if all goes well, I’ll leave it at that!
As a birder, my feeling is, Swarowski may well be great but, if you cannot tell a bar tailed godwit from a black tailed godwit, a £2000 scope won’t help you. Only spend the money when you are confident of identification and need that extra clarity and/or magnification to be sure of I.D. Having the best scope won’t make you a better birder, being able to see if a tern has a black tip or no black tip on the bill from a distance, that will help, but only if you know a common tern from an arctic. Just my opinion.
So it really sounds like the only major difference is going to be the weight?
spotting scopes are cool so thx for vid. hunting is lame as shit
I compared a Viper with a Razor a month ago, for bird watching, and there was no discernible difference optically – sharpness, false colour, contrast – all the same. The only negative with Vortex, vs Kowa, Opticron and Swarovski is the narrow field of view – the 65mm Viper especially, feels like looking down a tube in comparison to other brands.
When showing the example of the target what is the distance?
i picked the viper all but 1 lol
Razor is 799 on Bass pro plus a 10% military discount….this review is deletable
Curious what camera was used on these comparisons.
Ounces equal pounds, pounds equal pain. Just saying…
Well, this video helped me a lot today. I’m starting my bolt action build now and spotting scope is on my list. Debating these 2 options. I don’t predict that I will be needing much low light performance, I’m going to be mainly doing PRS style stuff and practicing during the day. Not into hunting. This really helped me save a few bucks and plan on the Viper instead of waiting to afford the Razor. I’m in for an Impact action, picking chassis next, Triggertech Diamond trigger and EC tuner brake. This is a pricey build, so if I can save some money on things I don’t really need, I’m taking that chance. I’d rather put that extra cash towards higher end reloading tools for getting my 6CM dialed in!! Appreciate this one a lot, Jim!!