Top 10 Hunting Scopes 2024

Top 10 Hunting Scopes 2024

Top 10 Hunting Rifle Scopes of 2024 Leupold VX Freedom , Vortex Viper HD , Zeiss Conquest , Steiner Predator , Sig Sauer Whiskey4 , GPO Spectra , Tract Toric , Burris Droptine Swarovski Z3 , and Meopta Rifle Scopes .

Tract .
OPTICS FORCE . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout at Optics Force and get 5% off any purchases . Link to Optics Force Website .


  1. Thank you for another fantastic review. It is refreshing to see actual ‘hunting scopes’ being reviewed. Great job with great advice!

  2. I got 4 letters. SWFA hands down one of the best scopes on earth. 300 bucks 12×42 fixed scope. Variable scopes is old ways. To much moving parts. Just straight up fixed.

  3. Check out the Sightron SI. The Luppy Freedom is nice and simple but I can’t stand the hunt- plex reticle. Duplex for me baby.🍻

  4. It depends on person and income. I am 77 years old. I shot a lot of deer over many year with a BSA CATS EYE. scope on my rem. 06. very clear in low light and long shots too. Can’t buy that any more. Have a HAWKE VANTAGE IR. on my 6.5 Creedmoore . More expensive scopes in my opinion are not necessary for me and also too expensive. Thanks. WC.

  5. I have a .280 Remington. What would you suggest for me? Roughly around under $500. I usually don’t shoot over 300 yards.

  6. Great video. I’m curious if you’d verify your notes on the Burris Droptine 4.5-14×42. I just bought one and upon unboxing I’m not seeing the long eye relief. Trying to decide if I mount it or return it. Thanks!!

  7. Any inside info on Meopta? They are all out of stock. Their website has nothing on it and optics plant shows them as discontinued.

  8. Help !! I need help , budget $750 range
    Looking for 14-16 magnification , 50mm objective , most importantly, good in low light- that early morning light and last bit of shooting light before evening. What do yall recommend?
    Thanks !!!

  9. best bang for the money is noit the same as top hunting scopes. top hunting scopes would be the burris that calculates shot placement or the leupold vx5hd 7-35 x 56 or vortex hd gen3. those are top scopes. this list is best bang for buck or low mag scopes

  10. Watch a lot of your videos and you used to have the black hound and Arken on there quite a bit . To be honest you did say the BH was a hunting scope and the Arken was more for target I was wondering where they stand in 2024 …. Thanks and Appreciate the Videos !!

  11. I had bad experience with the vortex it just would not zero in I shot 40 rounds through it tried everything but my old Burris back on had it zeroed in five shots.

  12. Your pick between the Zeiss V4 3-12×44 and Vortex Viper HD 2-10×42 for whitetails?

    Both are the same price here. Would the Zeiss glass make up for the Vortex 2x power and illuminated reticle?

  13. Your advice is very helpful thank you. I live in BC CAN and I’m looking for a new scope to go on my Waypoint 2020 6 mm creedmore. I’m currently looking at the new
    GPO Spectra 8x 1.6-13×44 or the Swarovski Z8i 1.7-13.3 x42.
    The Swarovski is close to double in price. How does the GPO compare to the Swarovski?

  14. Trijicon Credo is amazing, I have their 4-16×50. Their Accupoint line is also very nice for hunting. If you don’t need illumination, they have the Huron and Ascent which are an insane value.

  15. I got a Leupold VX-3CDS 3.5-10x40mm… I liked it so much I bought a few more including the 4.5-14×40 as well. Love them! Great glass for the money and you can usually find them for a good price and well worth the few dollars more than the VX freedom line, which I do have a vx freedom on one rifle as well. The CDS dials work great for open country hunting and plinking steel at distance

  16. In the Leupold hunting scope line, I think the VX3 HD are a better buy. MUCH better glass than the VX freedom line(VX3 HD glass is much more on par with the VX5 HD line of glass), same super light weight and generous eye relief and even better turrets than the Freedoms…..all for on average, just $100-$200 bucks more(most of them are in the $399 to $599 price range, depending on magnification, reticle, objective size, etc)….right in the sweet spot of best bang for buck for a hunting scope.

  17. You don’t have to spend 1000 dollars on a scope to get a good accurate optic these day most of them are made in China anyway but for 300 dollars or less you can get a clear image second focal plane scope with a hi to medium magnification from Natchez shooting supplies and a good guarantee I have found it best to call them and tell them what you are putting it on and see what they suggest I have had good luck with anything I got from them

  18. Joe we all love the information you share with us on scopes and respect your opinions on them. Have you ever heard of Redline F4U Corsair 2? The guy that owns the company is talking a lot and bragging it up a lot. Problem is that I don’t trust his opinion…I trust yours. Would it be possible to put one thru the ringer for us please? Thinking about replacing my Riton Conquer X-1 6-24X50 SFSPF for a 5-30 SFIR FFP but I haven’t chosen a brand yet. The Redline guy talks some big 💩 still….would prefer your opinion before dropping that kind of cheddar🤷🏼‍♂️😉 Stay blessed. Oh and BTW this is on a LCS SK-19 .25 cal PCP. Thanks.

  19. My picking after decades of hunting and shooting. Ive had all of this scopes in this videos list. March 2,5-25×42 sfp and Nightforce 4-32×50 sfp. Glasses 100% and mecanix 100% and you can hunt and use it in competitions. Doesent mather what you wanna do with it cause you can. And yes i have both.

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