Just bought the STR-9 for $250 and it has a $75 rebate
Picked up a APX-A1 for $229 and a $50 rebate
Bought the same 9mm high point four years ago because that was affordable and the cheapest available for around $150 also
Got a Remington speedmaster 22 from a neighbor for 200 and a Winchester model 70 in 270 wsm with a Nikon scope, 4 boxes of ammo and 2 boxes of brass for 450 bucks.
Guns under $300 are usually not worth owning in my experience, there are definitely exceptions. But for about $300 I have purchased some guns I have been extremely satisfied with. The one that’s sticks out to me is an older 90s model full stainless steel S&W 5946 tactical. I have pistols that cost 3x that and i don’t like as much, in the modern world of most pistols being plastic shooting a full stainless pistol like that is a great experience.
Best deal I got so far was a savage axis .308 for $230(retail was $420) they discontinued the original model and replaced it with the current xp, Felt like I got a steal on it😂
An unbranded Belgian revolver in .32 rimfire that looked a lot like it was trying to be a Webley. Got it from from a guy who found it in a sock drawer when clearing out his granma’s house in Belgium. Traded it for a Sony Walkman and still have it, I converted it to .32 S&W by modifying the firing pin. It’s usable, will reliably hit a mansized target at 25 feet, never gets out of the safe these days though, but it still works fine and I have a part box of .32 so it could be put to use again if needed. The
I got a “broken” Spanish PPK copy as a gunsmith special for $50, turns out it wasn’t broken it had a mag safety and they just didn’t know about it, it’s hideously unreliable and despite being in .380 it kicks harder than my 1911. My best steal was a brand new maverick 88 for $120 that was on sale bc the gun shop ordered too many of
I bought a windacator 357 for 200 came with a holsert a pistol case an a cardboard box full of ammo 38’s an 357 mag yeah I think the ammo was worth more then the gun they used to be cheap but after 2020 they are over 400 now lol but hey a hi point isn’t trash they are reliable an every one I’ve ever owned I take the grips of an pull the magazine safety that’s where most of the rattle comes from but I take them out because if Its loaded an you get into some hand to hand an push the mag release an it’s still loaded an you need to use it ye yeat is what it’s good for but with out the mag safety bang bang
I think for the well known durability test, ergonomics, and how nice it looks my sar9 for $300 is the best bang for my buck I’ve owned the hi point to I loved it never jammed out of the box no break in period necessary but it was ugly as hell
If a gun isn’t reliable, it isn’t worth it
35$ taurus 357 magnum or 85$ sccy 9m
Meanwhile im here in P.R looking for a .38 and they are $500
All of them would go for 2-4k in Uk
Diamondback sidekick for 180, it was a deal online
Springfield armory XDS the cheapest sidearm I own
I made some trades and end up with a glock 22 40 cal for 125$ i traded it for a 1000$ bow
My Derya DY9 turkish 9mm glock clone $259, bought it in 2024 New, it’s on my channel
Only gun I’ve bought was a Ruger SR1911 for 1K… not a smart choice but it’s a fun gun
Just bought the STR-9 for $250 and it has a $75 rebate
Picked up a APX-A1 for $229 and a $50 rebate
Bought the same 9mm high point four years ago because that was affordable and the cheapest available for around $150 also
The high point is a great 👍👍👍👍👍 gun 👋👋👋💪💪💪💪👍👍👍
This is a great gun 🔫🔫 I have 2 of them 👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
That revolver got more bodies then the Taliban
A Charter Arms off duty. Just under $200 at a pawn shop.
Throw away that high point 😂😂😂
I’ll give you 175 for that 38 Right now! 😂
I got one for 15 bucks but it was a black powder flint lock
How to get $150😅
99$ shotgun
Phoenix hp22a. It runs though.
Got a Remington speedmaster 22 from a neighbor for 200 and a Winchester model 70 in 270 wsm with a Nikon scope, 4 boxes of ammo and 2 boxes of brass for 450 bucks.
#TashyaThompson #TamaraChester #LaToyaWhitfield
45$ for a used hipoint 9mm
Can you use that on me ?
Hmmm hi point and Ruger both rattle 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 oo
My cheapest gun was a Glock 48🤣 until I put $1000 in work into it
mfs buy bb guns for a higher price 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
70$ .22lr revolver, brand new during black Friday 2 years ago. Pretty fun plinker!
That dot said 25 fa the special must be gone crazy folk
My dad has a CA Undercover .38 special. Loves it so much it’s his “backup carry “ 😂
Guns under $300 are usually not worth owning in my experience, there are definitely exceptions. But for about $300 I have purchased some guns I have been extremely satisfied with. The one that’s sticks out to me is an older 90s model full stainless steel S&W 5946 tactical. I have pistols that cost 3x that and i don’t like as much, in the modern world of most pistols being plastic shooting a full stainless pistol like that is a great experience.
150$ sks
What’s the second gun
Ruger lcp 2, .380 200$
Hey i give you 250 for the revolver ship it my way pls
I bout a sporterized brit Enfield .303 with a box of shells for $30 that was the cheapest one I ever scored
25 dollars is crazy cheapest gun I bought was 150 it was a ruger mark 2
None of my guns are affordable because I’m broke 😂😂
I got a 22. LR teensy revolver for 50 bucks (In my grandpas name of course)
150 bucks colt agent 38.spl 70s model don’t regret it
Best deal I got so far was a savage axis .308 for $230(retail was $420) they discontinued the original model and replaced it with the current xp, Felt like I got a steal on it😂
An unbranded Belgian revolver in .32 rimfire that looked a lot like it was trying to be a Webley. Got it from from a guy who found it in a sock drawer when clearing out his granma’s house in Belgium. Traded it for a Sony Walkman and still have it, I converted it to .32 S&W by modifying the firing pin. It’s usable, will reliably hit a mansized target at 25 feet, never gets out of the safe these days though, but it still works fine and I have a part box of .32 so it could be put to use again if needed. The
I got a “broken” Spanish PPK copy as a gunsmith special for $50, turns out it wasn’t broken it had a mag safety and they just didn’t know about it, it’s hideously unreliable and despite being in .380 it kicks harder than my 1911. My best steal was a brand new maverick 88 for $120 that was on sale bc the gun shop ordered too many of
Nef for 125 but thats normal price lol
I bought a windacator 357 for 200 came with a holsert a pistol case an a cardboard box full of ammo 38’s an 357 mag yeah I think the ammo was worth more then the gun they used to be cheap but after 2020 they are over 400 now lol but hey a hi point isn’t trash they are reliable an every one I’ve ever owned I take the grips of an pull the magazine safety that’s where most of the rattle comes from but I take them out because if Its loaded an you get into some hand to hand an push the mag release an it’s still loaded an you need to use it ye yeat is what it’s good for but with out the mag safety bang bang
My mother found a Taurus pt 111 in a laundromat dryer gave her beer money
I’m interested in buying, what’s a good website?
I think for the well known durability test, ergonomics, and how nice it looks my sar9 for $300 is the best bang for my buck I’ve owned the hi point to I loved it never jammed out of the box no break in period necessary but it was ugly as hell
What gun is that at the end?