Best Rifle Scope Under $500: 10 scopes tested head-to-head
Blog post with links to the best scopes from this video: https://backfire.tv/scope
I bought 10 rifle scopes to give you a completely unbiased review of the best rifle scopes under $500. The scopes considered are all approximately 4-14 magnification, which is very common for a hunting and general purpose field scope.
Special thanks to Blackhound for sending me their scope to review when I wasn’t able to purchase one since they were out of stock. Blackhound is a great company with excellent customer support. I suspect the copy I received is an outlier with the top turret problem. I will continue to support them in the future.
I have the Vortex Diamondback but it’s a 3.5x10x50 just wondering if it the same as the 44mm
I just ordered Bushnell’s new R5 6-18 with tax it was $277 . What chaps me is some of the high dollar scopes .
I bought a Night Force thinking for the price it should give my Zeiss a good run for the money not even
close . It is a nice scope , but fell far short of what I thought it should be for the price . Great video bless ya.
Have it on my 204 Rugar and love it.
I just bought a Ruger American 7mm PRC and I am torn between the Vortex Diamondback or the Vortex Venom. What are everyone’s opinion on the two for hunting at ranges between 100 and 750 yards?
You keep doing the pool test first I kinda git it if you’re doing it so we don’t go as long as I Don’t get it wet and then get trash
Have you tried the Munstrom scopes.
Need a new video 2024
I can tell you this. Last year..2023 Nov. Hunting season climbed in my stand. As I was getting situated I heard a lil tinkling sound. Metal..rattle if you will. Got to checking things out. Idk how I noticed it but in my Vortex Diamond back 3.5x10x50 on the bell end there is something that’s come lose in my scope. Small tube/ring bouncing against the lens. I was in my stand early that day so I decided to call Vortex. It’s 3:15 eastern time. I spoke with a super nice lady handling customer service. She was in the home office. When I told her what was going on. Her reply was. We can’t have that..I’ll ship you out a new one. When you get it. Put the old one in the box..will be shipping label there send it back. No charge. They are in Minnesota I believe. At 12:30 the next day. Less than 24 hours UPS deliverd a new one. Some could say well it shouldn’t have broke. It’s less than 500.00 and I’m not easy on things. That is customer service. Never had anyone else do that.
Do you have an opinion on the Discovery Optics?
Would love to see an update and continuation of this testing.
Well for people on budget ,just can’t replace a $500 scope every year or so. Oh gosh
Excellent video! I’ve been really happy with my Vortex diamondback on my AR after years of use it has never let me down. I was happy to see it take 1st overall.
Burris what?
You didn’t include the Swampfox optics. If you haven’t heard of them, you should take a look at them.
I. Know. Alot of people. Eho ien. Vortex. I had a. Leupold. Red. Dot. Sweet. But. Fogged. I was. Young. Back. Then
Hey Backfire. I know this video is 3 years old but the links on your blogs for your affiliation links are expired. You may want to update those links so that you’re not missing out on money! Thank you for this review, was very helpful.
I like Vortex, but the lack of illumination features means I’ll only be using it for hunting daytime hunting. That fading light shot is a pain.
Best scopes ever made is a Redfield. You won’t find better. I’ve had mine for 40 yrs. Never seen a scope more clear! Rookies use all those fancy scopes.
You lost all credibility when you kept a scope that failed the waterproof test
this was the BEST video on the topic by far. THANK YOU SO MUCH
I have 2 diamond back 3.5×10 50 scopes and I will not get rid of them and thank you for doing the videos on scopes rifles etc great info
The objective lens size is for field of view, not necessarily for gathering light
Great Video. I like how you broke down everything in full details. I’ve always been a huge fan of Vortex scopes and their products.
I believe the Athlon Helos would have been a better choice for this
What about arken epl4? Weight wise it’s the similar as your top 3?
Just bought the Vortex Diamondback 4-12×40 V-PLEX Riflescope for $270 Canadian on Basspro on sale. Hopefully, this is close to the one you tested. It will be better than my old Bushnell from 2009 that was pretty basic
Curious for a 2025 redo. Also curious how the moa vs mil survey would turn out now.
Do the glass test at dawn and dusk. You can’t really compare glass performance in normal light. The coatings are what make the scope worth the money.
With 2M views, did you still only make $50 off this video?
I have to disagree all vortex has is a warranty. You just can’t count on them year after year.
Most adjustments come with a tiny Allen screw and some of them come with more than one so that you may adjust the tension. The fact that you’re going to get rid of one because it’s loosened and not tighten it down is kind of ridiculous.
A 3 yr old review that’s still incredibly informative, as well as entertaining. Can’t thank you enough for puting the time in to put this together. Keep up the great work, love your content. Oh, and by the way, my 4-16×50 Gen II Arken just showed up via UPS. And no, I don’t have a Pool.
This is really interesting and informative. I’ve bought the vortex for two of my rifles and this makes me feel very confident of my choice. Great content.
Hey dude! Great video! Not sure if you read these comments in fact, I doubt you do after three years. But would love an updated video like this. With the Sigg whiskey four and other models out it would be great to get your POV.
When we getting a 2024/2025 glass video???
Go back and check your links. The vortex one didn’t work. Thanks for the video
Great video… Have a question: LVPO’s and bolt action rifles… Isn’t 6X fine for 300 yrds in?
I like your first choice. I have two of the Vortex Diamondback and they’re great. I’m also a fan of Primary Arms but a lot of their reticles are just way too busy. Thanks for the video.
My scope of choice for hunting was the Vortex Diamond back and not saying its bad scope and they have a second to none warranty plus quick response and repair plan ,, but I spent hrs on fine tuning my shot only to find out the scope wasn’t holding zero anymore Also all the wasted ammo adds up in price very quick ,,all said and done went with a Leoplold Freedom for clarity and quality and haven’t been disappointed …also purchased a vortex crossfire for my ravin r 20 crossbow and two yrs in same problem as the diamond back and again many wasted zeroing trys only to find out the scope has gone bad on me and not only that its right in the prime of hunting whitetail very disappointed in vortex quality ,,and if not for the great warranty and quick repair response would only be a 1 star in company ,,oh and need I mention the diamondbacks eye relief is too close for comfort for the average hunter ,,never got a black eye but diid have it touch once or so and it kinda tenses you up which is not good for making great shots ,, hope that helps somebody to choose quality over price the first time ,, can say a lesson learned the hard expensive way …OH btw do I need to mention how much better I can gauge and shoot deer w the Leopold ,,just saying !!!!!
Would vantage ir 4-12×50 and 4-16×50 survive on 8x57is
No hawke? we see your biased to brands you endorse.
I have that athlon and optically it doesn’t compare to a hawke sports airmax
We need a 2025 update of this video
Thanks for an informative video. I have a Diamondback Tactical on an AR and it is the most accurate set up I own.
The only knock I’ll give the diamondback tactical is the turrets . They turn too easily and don’t lock . I’ve had them come off zero many times just having it slung over my shoulder walking . Really good scope otherwise
this fine sir, is why i follow you, amazing videos, true hard work for us to mske the best choice, thank you very much, because of this video and the ‘best rifle video’ i got a cva cascade 300 winmag and the athlon ! thanks alot man, amazing and loads of help
Can you share your thoughts on one-piece cantilevered rings as compared to 2-piece rings? I just can’t understand mounting a scope on 2-piece rings if a one-piece that fits is available.
Old video old product
I am putting this scope on my Tikka TX3 Superlite 6.5CM. I paid $249.00 with a military discount.
Hands down meopta. Built like a nightforce, priced equivalent to a mid level leupold