5 Best Home Defense Pistols For Beginners These are the five best home defense handguns for beginners. Ways to support our honest content: Follow me on Twitter/X: Tweets by HonestOutlaw_ Make sure you subscribe to […]
10 Best Pistols Under $350 These 10 handguns offer tons of value for a low cost. If you’re looking for your first gun, this is a good place to start. Do you love HONEST reviews […]
Best Defense Gun for a Home Invader Wearing Plates Weapon Wisdom! Another scenario that we’ve all thought about: What if someone breaks into your home at night? But the twist is, this dude put plates […]
Unless you’re a hitman or getting patted down frequently these are lil girl options IMO don’t get offended small handed individuals I carry anything from a g21 45 caliber to a beretta 9mm as well as a 44 magnum all CC and have shot them all 300 rounds + to each their own but cmon I’m not spending money on what the wife wants as a gun.
The Shield Plus is indeed, and by far, the best value in terms of micro compact pistols; however, on the table, the Glock 26 is the only true duty rated pistol that can be used in a true duty capacity. None of the other pistols here were built to that standard. The Glock 30 is definitely a workhorse, and it too can actually be pressed into a real-world combat role, but the 26 is more versatile, IMO.
Glocc 26 & 30
Sig P365!! That’s better 😭
The Glock 30 Gen 4 IS MY EDC! A tank of a little gun.
Unless you’re a hitman or getting patted down frequently these are lil girl options IMO don’t get offended small handed individuals I carry anything from a g21 45 caliber to a beretta 9mm as well as a 44 magnum all CC and have shot them all 300 rounds + to each their own but cmon I’m not spending money on what the wife wants as a gun.
Glock 40 what’s the caliber 9 or 40 just asking I need another compact . I’m running Xd mod s subcompact now
FN reflex is a nice edc
Taurus Gx4 carry and Glock 19 are my EDC’s
Missing 365
The Shield Plus is indeed, and by far, the best value in terms of micro compact pistols; however, on the table, the Glock 26 is the only true duty rated pistol that can be used in a true duty capacity. None of the other pistols here were built to that standard. The Glock 30 is definitely a workhorse, and it too can actually be pressed into a real-world combat role, but the 26 is more versatile, IMO.
Glock 43x>>
My FN Reflex is my EDC, thousand rounds through it so far 0 malfunctions, absolutely love it
The Reflex is one I never saw or heard anything about after it’s release. Also saw the fiber optic red dot on that hellcat.
No x macro????
Where the CZ p10 s
Crazy u ain’t add Taurus
Which would you suggest for a woman
did you get the grip tape for the hellcat
@spnfirearms Where’s the hi point C9 and 380?!!!
Great choices 💪🏾
not having the Sig365XL on table is a fail.
Canik pt9😊
Какой боед судья не знает законов. нельзя передавать людям алкоголь если им до 21 го. А пить можно и с 16 ти исли подросток где то достал
2000 fps? 😂
To support the channel and get an amazing product visit: https://steelheadoutdoors.com/?sld=spnfirearms thank you so much and respect guys. It means a lot
No Sig P365? 🤨
Those sheilds are $500 in California
Ч бы на месте мамы нанял бы кого то , что б деда усадили в инвалидное кресло
I want the 43x
Walther PPS – German Engineering and Lifetime warranty
Have you reviewed the SAR9 SC gen2? That is a very interesting and capable sub compact handgun
That reflex way more snappy the the 26 or 43x
How many actual gun fights have you been in to need that many guns? Jk 😂
Where’s the p365?
How do you have the Cyelee red dot mounted to that G26? I couldn’t see any plate.
Sig 365 XL is better than all of them😂
So what’s your fav
Glock 48 is a good carry as well
Cool video
Sheild plus is my edc. Thinking of grabbing shield in 40 with a sig 357 conversion for winter.
Man u really hate sig
Love my shield plus with the mag guts kit. <3
What about the sig p365x with MS😂 I love that gun
The P365 is way better then any of those
I like it, but dump all the Glocks
Bul Armory SAS II ultralight 3,25 beats them all !!!!
Where you buy the shield for $375 ?
Just thought the Reflex and I’m so excited!